Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blogging and pressure

I just wanted to say...I have been nutty busy lately! So please forgive me for not commenting, or getting around and seeing all your wonderful work this past few weeks. I have been trying to get all the overtime I can, in addition to getting ready for the wedding of the century! (it seems like that when you are preparing, anyway! :)

Life will get back to normal soon, I hope!! So I can again share all your work and joys.



antique quilter said...

oh don't worry, take care of all the plans and make sure you slow dow enough to enjoy it as well!

Trisha said...

I do that to myself too sometimes. Feel the stress of the blog. I try to remember that it is supposed to be fun. :) So no stress!

Pat said...

Don't worry, Julie. Life can get very hectic sometimes and then we fall behind in blogging and emails. BUT...that shouldn't cause us pressure as our blogging and email buddies usually all understand. Just get back to us when you are less busy and, of course, be sure to take lots of wedding photos!!!

Stephanie D said...

That's okay--priorities and all. Our blogs will still be around when you get back!

Marilyn Robertson said...

I'm looking forward to some wedding photos next week!

Unknown said...

No apologies necessary! Take your time. We all know about how busy life can get. You need to take care of #1 first. We will all still be here when you can get it back into your life. Don't worry.

*karendianne. said...

Whew, I can't imagine. Hang in there. I always like the wedding pictures. :) I love you!!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...