Monday, March 2, 2009

Progress report on the DD

Well, I guess the picture says it all! This is where I am in putting together Bonnie of Quiltville's DD mystery quilt. Lots of little seams to match there, but it is going together well. Seems like I am slower than I used to be!!

Other news of note is that I went to my DS's and D to-be DIL's bridal was such fun! I got a manicure and pedicure... FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! Pretty cool, huh? This old farm girl is just not used to all that was really fun to do...once!

Have a happy day!!



Amelia said...

Julie, that quilt is so pretty...looks like lots of work has gone into it...and much more to come. Who is going to be the lucky recipient?

I am like you...had my first manicure and pedicure about three weeks was my birthday present from my sweet husband. Talk about making you feel it did.

Shari said...

Coming along quite well. And you got to use stash for it. I think it looks ok with those fabrics.

Manicures and Pedicures and bridal showers... not too long till the wedding now? How stressful was it shopping for a MOG outfit?

I've caught up on your posts. Sorry to hear about your co-worker's passing.

Michaela said...

That quilt is so special - a lot of work!
Oh, i am glad I am not the only who never had manicure, pedicure... wait at this point i might be the only one, you've got both already!
oh well... :)

Pat said...

Such a PRETTY quilt. I think it is coming along very well.

*karendianne. said...

I think we're all going to admire the DD when it's done my friend. And what a great treat for you to have some female pampering. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, I love the colours you have chosen, very, very pretty.Oh My you should have had a lovely massage to go with the pedicure and manicure.I have not had them either.DD gave me a voucher for Mothers Day last year for a body massage.Sheer Bliss for my bag of bones.Take Care Julie Hugs Lyn

Pat said...

It's lovely Julie.

Libby said...

Your top looks great . . . . it's going to be a whole quilt in just the blink of an eye.

I love pedicures - relaxing and something pretty to take home *s*

Unknown said...

The quilt is looking fantastic. My motto slow and steady wins the race. They colors and pattern are great.

I have had a couple of manicures and pedicures and I have really liked them. They are a special treat for those special times. I am glad you went and also had fun too!

dot said...

Very nice. I have my DD on my bed right now. I love this pattern.

Finn said...

It's going to be stunning Julie! I love what you have done with it. Remember how well your Tobacco Rose worked out, right???? You could almost inspire me to start this one....almost! Hugs, Finn

Debi said...

Your quilt looks great! I love the pattern. When is your DS getting married, my DD#1 is getting married May 24, 2009.

sewprimitive karen said...

Hey, your DD looks very pretty.

Teresa said...

Lookin gooooooooood!

Quilter Kathy said...

Looking great! That manicure should help you sew faster!

Kristie said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

I love how your quilt is turning out! Looks lovely!

Darcie said...

Your quilt is looking terrific, Julie!!! I love this color scheme! Bonnie will be tickled.

That is a fantastic idea for a bridal shower! Good for you. Hope this was a first of many pampering sessions for you and your sweet DIL to-be to share.

Hugs to you!

~Bren~ said...

I have had manicures but never a pedicure. My mom keeps trying to get me to have one. Maybe this summer....
Your DD quilt is gorgeous. I love the Indigos!

Nicole said...

What a lot of wonderful piecing! Love that quilt.
I have been economizing and have given up pedicures for the winter. I give myself about two more weeks before I cave in and go get one!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh I just love how this is looking! Yours is gorgeous!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...