Yahoo! the quilt top is finished.
Whewwww! I am not good at borders, I measured and measured and carefully applied, we shall see if it will work or not. But done is so sweet, so good! Big thanks to Miss Bonnie at
Quiltville for this pattern.

Above is the Be-attitudes top finished, almost, for the Be-attitudes quilt. The picture looks a little dark, but truly the colors are cheerful and fun. This one is probably a hand-quilted one, so it will be some time before it is done.
How is your day? Monday, Monday???
a little sewing machine that works, my $ 69.00
Walmart wonder.
a little old dog, still faithful and
waggy-tailed, even at almost 17 years old.
a little supper all ready to go! No more cooking today.
Have a happy day!!
The Double Delight is awesome! What an accomplishment, that is a ton of nine patches. Whew!
You know I love the Be Attitudes. Mine is waiting to be pin basted so I can quilt it.
They both turned out great!
Both are beauties!
Doesn't it feel good to complete something like that...so when are you starting another one?
I think both of your quilts are terrific. You should be very proud of both of them!
Good Afternoon Julie, I just love the DD Quilt, especially the colourway you chose.Hugs Lyn
Both finishes are terrific! They look great in the pictures. Wonderful Job!
Very lovely and beautifully made. I hope you are keeping both to enjoy all your own! I love Bonnie's patterns and also Nancy Halvorsen's designs. I bought one of Nancy's Christmas books years ago and made little felt ornaments with her adorable designs, my fav was an Elf!
Thanks for sharing.
They are both beautiful! You did agreat job on Double Delight.
Julie, the border for the DD is perfect. What a great job you did. I love that quilt!!!
Both quilts are beautiful..well done for getting them done.
And it's Definitely Delightful!!! Love that paisley border!
Your Be-attitudes is so cheerful and lighthearted! A true spirit lifter!
Hugs to you, my friend!
Yeah for DD!!!! And the BeAttitudes is going to look so good with hand quilting - a wonderful decision *s*
Hurray - they are both brilliant. Love your border fabric on the DD.
Love your double delight quilt!!! It turned out wonderful!
Oh my, your DD is stunning!!! Comgrats on a finish.
Also , thanks for the photo of your B attitudes - I have the book/pattern - just like to LOK at it - maybe I'll get it made! 8-) Thanks for inspiration.
Beautiful Double Delight! I still need to add the borders - and I better get my skates on, because it's supposed to be a birthday present for my Mom in June.
And the Be Attitudes is delightful too!
Your Double Delight is wonderful!! I have a kit for the Be Attitudes, seeing this really makes me want to get mine going. Did you do the applique by machine?
Gorgeous....both of them are just wonderful!!
You are my hero!
You have already finished the tops of two of my ongoing projects...I am so behind! Thanks for the inspiration...I'll get off the computer and get to work!
What an awesome quilt! That makes me wish I would have joined in on the mystery! And the BeAttitudes is beautiful!
It's absolutely gorgeous Julie!! I love, love, love it. You really are going great guns with all these mystery quilts, and those that aren't mysteries *VBS*
I'm curious about your WalMart gratitude, did you sewing machine bite the dust? IMWTK *VBS* Big hugs, Finnie
I love your blog! And you "Be" quilt is great...I love you you did the outer border as well!
Both tops are BEAUTIFUL! I just love the fabrics! I think handquilting the Be Attitudes quilt is a must.
Oh, both are wonderful! You done good!
Both tops are great. Not sure which I like better.
Woohooooo...wtg! They both look excellent!
Your DD is one of the nicest I have seen.
I have just been catching up with all your posts- what lovely work you do!
Your Be-Attitudes is a lovely top too.
Your tops are great .... doesn't it feel good to get to this stage?
Nothing beats a 'finish'! Well done. They both look wonderful, but I do love the pink one.
What beauties. The DD is wonderful and I don´t see anything wrong in the borders! I agree, Bonnie´s patterns are the best. Take care.
How very wonderful to see such lovely eye candy on your blog! Well done, Julie!
I sorta wish I had not decided to do my Be Attitudes as little quilt-lets when I see how yours look. Too late now, I guess. It is fun to use them as a little monthly theme. Be Kind is fused and just waiting to be stitched down and quilted.
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