Monday, March 9, 2009

A little St. Patrick's day quilt!

Hi to everyone!! It seems that I post once a week...that is when I am off and the house is down to a dull uproar, and I have a quiet moment to myself. Thank you to those who have signed up as followers! Wow, how fun, and thank you for following my work!

Above is my nod to St. Patrick's day. This pattern is from Kim at She was so gracious to share a wonderful pattern and tutorial with all her fellow quilt bloggers, and I just fell in love with it! Please take a moment and see her is just the best! She is also soooo funny, and many of her posts just make me giggle. Thank you so much, Kim!
Another famous blogger/quilter is Judy Laquidara. She and many of her readers are doing a Bear Paw quilt! I love it too. I did not get signed up for some reason for her e-mails, because I did not know when I would have time to work on the quilt, with my crazy work schedule, but I love it so much, I am following along on my own. Above is my scrappy block, and I plan 12 blocks altogether for a lap quilt. It was quite fun to sort through (not really, just pick up whatever was next in the stack) my fabrics and cut them up! 2.5 inch strips, and 4.5 inch the whole block is 14 inches. Fun, fun! Thank you Judy for the inspiration!
For those who are thinking spring may be forsaken, I have evidence to the contrary! I was surprised to find this beautiful Iris blossom in the garden this morning. See the still winter pale grass behind it? But I bet the grass is greening soon! I just love flowers so very much.
Did I ever show you my fish? This is a patchwork fishy...stuffed and with some beading in the bottom to give him weight. Button eyes...he is ready to take a swim!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, happy day!!



Pat said...

Loved seeing your photos. St. Patrick's Day is the one holiday for which I have very little made by me....will need to correct that for next year, for sure!

Libby said...

Love your St. Patty's quilt . . . that ribbon border is just darling *s*

Shari said...

I noticed the ribbon border as well, very cute. I've not made a bear's paw but you make it sound achievable...

The patchwork fish is adorable. Did you make him? Where did you get the pattern?

The Iris is such a beautiful flower. A sure sign of spring...

Amelia said...

The quilts are quite cute!

Loved the picture of the iris blossom...mine are just coming up.

have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie, love the St Patricks Quilt.I love Iris's, I had dutch iris's in my wedding bouquet. Regards Lyn

Kim said...

Your St. Patrick's Day quilt looks great! Of course, the bearpaw does too, but I'm a little partial to the shamrock quilt--LOL!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh that St Patty's day quilt is just too cute!

*karendianne. said...

What a unique fishy! Dig that.

Julie, love your Bear Paw. Now I think maybe I should try one. Never really thought of it but you make it look so lovely and you inspire (as usual).

Your nod to St. Pat's day is much fun, too. I'll have to go over to Kim's Blog and check her's out. Thanks for the tip.

Terry said...

Your bear's paw quilt is going to be lovely! And your iris is just beautiful! Mine are just starting to peek through the ground here.

The Calico Cat said...

I have a patchwork fishy too! (Mine is a "Rumpled Quilt Skin" that my GF made...)

Darcie said...

Ay...and a Happy St. Patty's Day to you, lass! ;-) Your Shamrock quilt is darling!

We've got a storm headed this way and school has been cancelled for the day. So it is quite refreshing and promising to see your beautiful Iris! I just love Springtime flowers. They seem so fragile...yet have to be strong enough to weather many-a Springtime storm.

Hugs to you, Jules!

McIrish Annie said...

I saw that tutorial and really wanted to do it. i think i'll take another look since yours came out so cute.

Pat said...

Hey...just noticed you were Sandi's pick of the week blog on her blog....congratulations! Well-deserved!

Teresa said...

Cute fish! Bear paw is a favorite block of mine and I do like the scrappy look. I like the shamrock quilt - are you going to hang it or use it on a table? Maybe next year I can get one made for my house.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I really like the little fishy. He looks like he's ready to swim away. Also like the little St. Pat's quilt. I like the blue and greens you chose. Those were my wedding colors in 1968! The ribbon border on the quilt is really neat!! I think I'll have to check out Kim's blog.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...