Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The bears are procreating...Hee!

Good morning, everyone! I hope you all are having a marvelous day...I am...I am off from work! The towels and linens are in the washer, housework is underway, the big catch-up from several days at work at the hospital...I know you understand how it goes. Above are my bear paw blocks; I have managed to make a couple more in between all the chaos of work and home business. I like the scrappy goodness of them! Thank you to Judy Lauqidara for the inspiration for these blocks.

Remember the kitchen sink quilt? Everything in here but the kitchen sink. It is mostly quilted (hand), and bound now. It sure was fun! All from 2 inch strips. It will make a great TV quilt. This one was inspired by Bonnie from Quiltville, who made some of these blocks. Thanks Bonnie!

This is a little notebook cover, made for a co-worker. Sometimes people hear that I am a quilter and bring me fabric and scraps that they just do not want any more. A nurse at work brought me some little fabric scraps, and I decided that I should just make her something that night and bring her fabric back to her! So this is what I made for her. She liked it!


I wrote out here what happened at work these past few days...but I just deleted it. It felt good to just get it out...but do I really want to read it again later? I don't think so...just suffice it to say that I am glad I am off today, glad I am not up to my armpits in a Code Blue...just glad for the happy sounds of birds and tip-tapping of the keyboard, the washer running, the doggie pushing his bowl around, the wind lightly blowing...all good things!



The ability and job to work (employment)

Family, always

You, my dear blog friends, always you all!

Have a happy day!!!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Ok...DD is truly...Done, Done! Wheewww!

Yahoo! the quilt top is finished. Whewwww! I am not good at borders, I measured and measured and carefully applied, we shall see if it will work or not. But done is so sweet, so good! Big thanks to Miss Bonnie at Quiltville for this pattern.
Above is the Be-attitudes top finished, almost, for the Be-attitudes quilt. The picture looks a little dark, but truly the colors are cheerful and fun. This one is probably a hand-quilted one, so it will be some time before it is done.

How is your day? Monday, Monday???


a little sewing machine that works, my $ 69.00 Walmart wonder.

a little old dog, still faithful and waggy-tailed, even at almost 17 years old.

a little supper all ready to go! No more cooking today.

Have a happy day!!


Friday, March 13, 2009

DD is almost...done-done!

Great excitement...the middle of the Double Delight mystery quilt from Bonnie at Quiltville is complete! Whhhewww, those long seams, matching all those corners were wicked...but fun.
Here it is with the first border. The quilt feels much more completed (it told me so), and all those edges are now "sealed" in. Somehow more finished. I think a plain outside border will be great, I just don't have a big enough piece of fabric to do it that looks right. Oh, darn...I may have to go to the fabric store! Wellllll, someone has to do the hard jobs.

I have pieces left over! I am just playing with them...do you think a long pillow would be fun to display on the bed too? I will play and think about this!
Thank you for putting up with the many pictures of the DD in progress...it has been a labor of a long time, and very much enjoyed.
Life-sustaining rains
Precious family
Going out to dinner with DH tonight!
Early flowers blooming
A job! So many people do not have this right now...I am truly grateful.
Have a happy, quiltish day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A little St. Patrick's day quilt!

Hi to everyone!! It seems that I post once a week...that is when I am off and the house is down to a dull uproar, and I have a quiet moment to myself. Thank you to those who have signed up as followers! Wow, how fun, and thank you for following my work!

Above is my nod to St. Patrick's day. This pattern is from Kim at www.kimsbigquiltingadventure.blogspot.com. She was so gracious to share a wonderful pattern and tutorial with all her fellow quilt bloggers, and I just fell in love with it! Please take a moment and see her quilt...it is just the best! She is also soooo funny, and many of her posts just make me giggle. Thank you so much, Kim!
Another famous blogger/quilter is Judy Laquidara. She and many of her readers are doing a Bear Paw quilt! I love it too. I did not get signed up for some reason for her e-mails, because I did not know when I would have time to work on the quilt, with my crazy work schedule, but I love it so much, I am following along on my own. Above is my scrappy block, and I plan 12 blocks altogether for a lap quilt. It was quite fun to sort through (not really, just pick up whatever was next in the stack) my fabrics and cut them up! 2.5 inch strips, and 4.5 inch squares...so the whole block is 14 inches. Fun, fun! Thank you Judy for the inspiration!
For those who are thinking spring may be forsaken, I have evidence to the contrary! I was surprised to find this beautiful Iris blossom in the garden this morning. See the still winter pale grass behind it? But I bet the grass is greening soon! I just love flowers so very much.
Did I ever show you my fish? This is a patchwork fishy...stuffed and with some beading in the bottom to give him weight. Button eyes...he is ready to take a swim!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, happy day!!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Progress report on the DD

Well, I guess the picture says it all! This is where I am in putting together Bonnie of Quiltville's DD mystery quilt. Lots of little seams to match there, but it is going together well. Seems like I am slower than I used to be!!

Other news of note is that I went to my DS's and D to-be DIL's bridal shower...it was such fun! I got a manicure and pedicure... FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! Pretty cool, huh? This old farm girl is just not used to all that pampering...it was really fun to do...once!

Have a happy day!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...