Thursday, February 26, 2009

I saw the Robins!

I was out working in the yard, a little raking and early preemptive weeding, and I saw our robin couple who come every year! A great big sassy male and his diminutive robin bride. It is so warm here! About 80 nice! I have some buds and some flowers coming along, too. Above is my progress on Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville's DD mystery quilt. I still have lots of pieces left in the box to put together, but I am making progress.
I changed the colors from Bonnie's selections, and don't know if I like it as well as Bonnie's, but in the interest of using what I have on hand in the was a good choice for me! Some of these are real Indigo fabrics from the quilt show several years ago that I have been hoarding...I really should stop doing that! So I used a great deal of them in this quilt.

Remember this one, above? I finally got all the embroidery embellishment done! Blanket stitching that is...I still need to add buttons and a few little special things to make it more my own. But at least it is together.

Here is my little armchair caddy all done, complete with scissors peeking out of the pocket. Don't know how I ever lived without it! Thank you to you awesome bloggers with all your fantastic ideas!

This little quilt is hand quilted, and of course the binding is on but not finished. I quilted it in black thread and just had so much fun doing it!!!
Hope everyone has a super good day! I have a meeting at work, but then it is back to work outside...making hay while the sun shines! It just can't stay this warm outside...only just February, and the weatherman is predicting freezing temps later in the week.
Warm springlike weather
Precious friends checking up on me
Dear Husband
Dear Son
Coffee in the mornings...Yum!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Glad and some sad news.

These are pretty, don't you think? Some windblown tulips, for Valentine's day, from my DH. I just love them! Pretty, pretty, on the dining room table. I hope you had a nice Valentine's day!
This is just the beginning of a little caddy. I made it of pre-quilted fabric. I have seen some really fancy ones on some of your blogs, which I just love, and I just made my own simple version. I will make one with embroidery and fancy things later...of course it needs to be finished.
I have had some challenging patients this last week. One patient fell about 2 months ago, and has been slowly bleeding into the space between the skull and the brain ever since. He came in with mild stroke symptoms, and the CT scan showed the bleed. He was wisked off to emergency surgery, and two burr holes and a drain later, he was back to me. After one week, he has almost fully recovered!!! Yahoo! He was walking in the hall last time I saw him on Friday...he is the father of one of our nurses.
My other patient was diagnosed with cancer on Friday. When the wife was told, she fainted. The doctor and I caught her luckily before she hit the ground...poor dear lady! I hope he comes off the ventilator, he is still on it last time I saw him!
And for the sad of our nurses did not show up for work 2 days in a row. Not like her at all, we have a pretty dedicated team on our unit. We called and called and finally sent the police to her apartment, and they found her passed away in her living room. We are all just devastated at work. We do not know a cause yet, but Lori A., we are missing you so much. She leaves two sons.
Since this is a diary of sorts for me, I am going to mention things about my work periodically, so skip this part if it is not of interest at all to you.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

And the winner is..

I need to let you know about my delightful surprise when I came home from work tonight. You know, a busy day in the CCU, a cardiac tampanade patient, very ill, went for emergency surgery, etc. I came home, and my DH said, "you have a package!" How fun! I opened it, and in each layer of pretty wrap, there were chocolate candy kisses! Yum!!! This just added to the fun! I won a give-away! See above, the lovely fabric bouquet? Made of all gorgeous fabrics, and a lovely fabric greenery bottom. This is the lovely creation of Sandi A. at How kind of her, and how lucky of me to win. It is much too pretty to take apart and use for fabric...I must admire this one for a long while!

Want one? Well, I will share! Yummy good for Valentines day!!

Guess what else was in the package? Hearty fabrics! Not only lovely in themselves, but each piece carefully pressed and folded beautifully. Not a crease in them! Lots of loving effort went into this package, and I want Sandi to know...I appreciate the lovely gift and her so very much!

Now for a yucky picture of a cute project. These are tiny little flower pots, about 59 cents at the hardware store. Inside is a bit of filler, and a pretty piece of fabric covering it. Making a little pin cushion! For my quilting buddies at work. Simple but cute, I think. I have no idea where I saw this idea...

Have a wonderful day all! Thank you for allowing me to share my fun news of the day!!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Thoughts for our Aussie friends!!

Above is a purse I have been working on. It is made of strips from the strip bin, I just chose the next one I pulled out. Even the big wide strip is OK. I like it, and it is all made from scraps. I machine quilted it. It will be a gift.

Long ago (maybe 5 years), 3 friends and I exchanged red work centers, and put them into stars. They have been languishing in their baggie, until I pulled them out today and sashed them together and bordered them. The center block is a "J", made for me by a dear friend. At last a top together!

The whole top on the big brown couch.

Isn't this a sweet face? This is my dear son and to-be daughter in law's dachshund. She is just precious and posed so prettily for me to take this picture.


What I really wanted to say in this post is that I am so worried about the big fires in Australia. Lyn at Bluebird quilts is very near the fires. I just pray for the safety of each person and for the firefighters and workers who are struggling to save life and property. Stay safe, all! We are all thinking of you!!


Did you know? I bet you did...but there are so many BOM's going on! has a wonderful stitichery BOM also has a marvelous stitchery BOM is designing the cutest snowmen BOM! Check her out for sure! has the cutest calender quilt going!

Bunny Hill designs has the absolutely cutest basket BOM! is hostessing a beautiful red quilt BOM. Use up those reds!

Lynette Anderson is finishing up her BOM. Precious Noah's ark stitcheries!

Capricorn quilts is doing a stitchery BOM...fairy tales! Just so cute!

Anway, what is a girl to do? Try to do them all!!! HEE!!!!

Have a wonderful day, all!! And remember our Australian friends in your thoughts and prayers...


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bits and pieces of the DD Mystery!

Good morning! I have emerged from the work-fog into the light! Yahoo! I have FOUR days off in a row. Above is my first block of the cutest BOM, you just have to check it out! Go to This is the January block. The February block is also ready for download. Just cute, cute, cute!!! Of course, I need to press it well. The blocks are 8.5 inches square.

This is my progress on the DD Mystery quilt by Bonnie from Quiltville. Lots of fun little pieces, and I as you can see used different colors than she, because that is what I had in the stash. I am loving this! I still need to trim more of the squares, maybe I can get around to that today.

This is my most recent pie, just a memory now. YUM! My mom's recipe, which I personally think is the very best. Apple...mmmm....

This was how high the pie was full off apples before it was baked, and of course they all cooked down. Speaking of food (one of my favorite subjects)....I am on a new course in life! I know, I know, you have heard it before, but I have been eating healthy for 8 days! I was counting in hours, but now am up to days...and I have lost (drum-roll please)....5 pounds! Yeah for me! I may be able to fit into that mother of the groom dress after all! I cut out sugar. I am hopelessly addicted to sweet things and sugar, and after the pie was gone...that was it ladies!!!! Hope I can keep it up! NO! I am keeping it up!!!
I am also working on the hand-quilting of my scrappy quilt from last post. That is the most pleasure, just fun, fun , fun!!!!
Gratitude's: Fabric, friends, hand-quilting, renewed health, and of course my precious family.
Work: I have not been forced to work a night shift yet...we shall see!!! Stubborn old lady, aren't I???

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...