Monday, May 27, 2024

Where to start?

This month is pink month at Rainbow Quilts, by Angela.  Since pink is my favorite color, I have just loved seeing all the pink creations!!  Above are my pink blocks sewn so far.

These are current year blocks combined with orphan blocks from the past.  Since they are all 6 inches finished, they will combine nicely for a sampler quilt.  I will continue to add to them throughout this year. 

This quilt rack was given to me, and I am trading out quilts on it as the whim strikes me.  Great fun!!

I have been hand quilting my plaid string quilt, and I am happy to announce that the quilting is almost done!  Hurrah!  30 minutes a night does wonders in finishing it.  but.....

that has not happened lately!!! because...

We had some intruders in our little farm, squatters if you will.  The Sheriff and a trip there cleaned them all out, replaced all the broken windows and cleaned up all the mess.  wow!!  So that took a lot of time and energy.  Security measures are in place now!!  Electric fence, anyone?  

Then...I felt a warm spot in my kitchen floor.  This felt so nice on my feet for half a second, then I realized...we had a slab leak.  The pipe from the hot water heater had burst, spilling hot water under the house foundation.  This has expanded to replacing all the pipes in the whole house, after the plumbers gave us the bad news.  Let's just say I will be working overtime for quite some time paying for this little adventure!!!

So I am back to quilting, after laundry and cleaning today.  The house is still a disaster after the pipe replacement required all the closets, under sinks and garage area be totally emptied.  wow!!!  The second inspection will be soon, and then I can get things put away and back to semi-normal.

So that is my story!!  and I am sticking to it!!  How are you doing?

Happy Memorial Day to all!!




Elle said...

Your homeowners insurance should cover this disaster!

julieQ said...

Thank you for your comments!!!

julieQ said...

Elle, homeowners' insurance does not cover the cost of our slab leak.

southernhushpuppy said...

Oh Julie, I can so sympathize! Last week we just got our whole house replumbed to replace the polybutylene pipes that kept bursting. Oh the mess and stress, but so happy that it is done. This week the dry wall guys have invaded the house to patch up all the holes in the walls. But it is a blessing to get it done, and not have to worry about it anymore. I have been trying to sewing through all the loud noises, but it's hard to focus!

Nanct said...

We also had a slab leak. Your homeowners insurance should cover much of the cost. Please check that if you have not already done so.

Loris said...

Oh my! Julie, you have had quite a bit of work added to your routine! I'm so sorry for the intruders and pipe leak and the work involved. Hoping the restoration is soon coming!
Your quilting is still so lovely and inspiring. I am just finishing re-making some curtains that I used quilting fabric for years ago. The beautiful fabrics are tugging at me to get to the sewing machine again. I'm kind of knee deep in gardening at the moment(watching seedlings come up and then produce food and flowers just blows my mind!) but should find a few minutes to get back to my quilting love. The cats still occupy my sewing room but I have made a little spot upstairs to sew and will need to take advantage of it. Hugs to you!!!1

Vicki W said...

Oh my gosh, what a nightmare! I'm glad things are about to be worked out. Keep sewing for your samity!

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Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh uh... warm spots - I am so sorry that happened!!!! And the squatters - thats a lot!!
I always tease my husband that every time something breaks it means he can keep his job another year... he is not appreciative ... Hope all works out well !
PS - LOVE your pink blocks!!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

If it's not one thing it's something else... and usually worse! Oh, my; you've had your share. I'm glad to read that all has been rectified and that you're back to "normal", finger crossed that inspection #2 goes smoothly. Your 6" sampler will be lovely, how I adore small blocks and all the colors, they make my heart sing!

Nann said...

Oh, how awful. We had a basement flood and all insurance paid was $800, so I know that frustration. The hassle part is having to figure out who to call, then calling them, which leads to calling someone else, and then scheduling it all.

Sewing is a LOT more rewarding -- and I really like your sampler-in-progress!

Janet O. said...

I'll bet you had plenty of pinks to choose from when you made those pretty blocks. It is your color, after all!
I know you will make something special from all those orphan blocks.
What a pretty quilt rack!
That plaid string quilt is special, and will be even more so with your hand quilting.
I am so sorry for the multiple troubles you have experienced lately. Hope that is all behind you now. (Electric fences do have their place.)

Katie said...

Your adventures that kept you from quilting sound better than mine! Not in the fun way but in the legitimate excuse way. I'm glad things are all looking up now and hopefully your run if bad luck is done for a good long time. The plaid quilt is so pretty and I'm always impressed with your efforts at hand quilting.

Stephanie D said...

Wow, what a time you've had! Your attitude towards it all is just amazing! I'm glad you got the squatters out; I've read many stories where it takes forever to get rid of them legally, because they seem to have more rights than the owners do.
And bless your heart about the whole plumbing mess! Sounds like you and hubby need a vacation--preferably low-cost!
As usual, I love all your quilts. I was just gifted 53 POUNDS of fabric--and about 95% of it is primitive colors. Not what I gravitate to at all, so it's going to be a challenge to work on either incorporating it into the brights I prefer, or working on those fabrics only. Maybe just in small projects... What a great problem to have, right?

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Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...