Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How I magically used lots of scraps but ended up with even more!!!!

Well, I am making a simple rail fence, for a chemo quilt.  I ended up using a lot of my 2.5 inch scraps strips, and felt rather virtuous, but thought I did not have enough variety, so I cut more strips from my stash and WOW!!!  Now my 2.5 strip stash is even bigger.  I will just never use them all up at this rate, but I have variety...so there!!  I win!  By the way, scraps breed at night.  They really do!

Here are my cut pieces for the rail fence quilt.  Pretty, don't you think?

I have been working on hexagons!!  I had a recent plane trip to see my grand babies and help my DIL as she went through surgery.  I always get a right sided window seat, so I can stitch as I go.  I am just loving making these little hexagon blocks!

I hope each of you is having a good day today!!



Rose Marie said...

Anyway you use up your stash is a good thing! Have fun!

Julierose said...

I really think those hexies are so cute--they are such a great take-a-long project...
It's such a good feeling to get all the parts cut and ready to sew, isn't it? Will be looking forward to seeing your rail fence--that's one I've never made...I need to try a small one...
hugs, Julierose

Janet O. said...

I love a rail fence quilt. Those are happy fabrics, and I can't wait to see it in progress. So good of you to make these quilts for your patients.
Kind of had to chuckle when I read that you were enjoying making those hexagon flowers. I'm glad you enjoy it! :) I struggled to make myself finish each flower when I was doing them. But I do love the one I finished, and wonder if I'll ever finish the other one. LOL

Donna said...

I completely agree that scraps multiply! Your strips and hexes look great!

Chookyblue...... said...

scraps are never ending..........you do a great job using scraps in quilts......

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...