Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Happy New Year!!!

A super fun thing happened to me!!  A dear friend, our Angie, is planning a Christmas themed quilt.  Did I perhaps have some Christmas fabrics to share?  Why, I sure do!!  You know I save all scraps, including these.    On the way to you now, Angie!   This is the best part of my idea, Circle of Friends.  If you need something...ask.  If I need something, I will. Between us, we can use our stashes and enjoy our friends, too!  Win, win!  
I sorted out all my big pieces of fabric into color groups and folded them on this shelf.  I love this and feel so happy about it.
Someone I know just turned two!  This is my darling granddaughter.  Happy two, dear!!!  Her theme was a Bluie theme, with donuts for fun.

I found these little fleece blankets at Walmart for...wait for it...THREE dollars each!  I bought a bunch for hospice patients.  A pretty blanket would not be amiss!
I have some tiny zinnias popping up, in the middle of winter.  Determined little things!

A little kitty cat picture...on the circular thinking quilt, done a few years back.  He is growing so fast!
This is clue six of the mystery quilt.  
I just loved sewing this clue!! Clue seven is up, too, which I am kind of procrastinating on, waiting for more information.  Ha!!
I sewed a few little coin purses to gift my nurse friends at work.  Just right for a few bucks and a driver's license, so we do not have to carry purses into the hospital.

Happy New Year!!  Hoping this year will be the best one yet!!!


Tired Teacher said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet granddaughter! You’re a good bargain hunter - great find on the fleece throws. I love the photo of the kitty on the circle quilt: looks like a game of Twister is being played.

Angie said...

Oh Julie I don't think there is anyone on the planet that is any kinder or sweeter than you. You are just such a special soul. Thank you for sharing your Christmas fabric with me. That little person is absolutely adorable! And what a deal on those pretty throws. Those and those little purses are wonderful gifts. Lucky is such a little cutie. I'm so glad she lives with you guys! ��

Donna said...

Happy New Year! You get so much done for being a busy nurse! You are always thinking of others with the blankets and coin purses and giving fabric to a friend.

Julierose said...

Happy New Year--your little granddaughter is so cute!! Great photo!!
Good work doing some re-organizing!! I am still in the throes of the Declutter challenge--now i have no excuse to just shut my closet door and not deal with that stash!! Boxes and bins will have to wait--fabric comes next for me. Hugsx2 Julierose

P.S. did you see Cynthia's ("Quilting is more fun than housework" blog)
off-set log cabin? Heh heh, just sayin'...;))) a bit of enabling right?

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Glad to see that you are keeping up with Bonnie's mystery. I'm out of town, so I'll be a bit behind (working on clue #7 and will print out clue #8 when I get home). Great idea for the blankets. Cute little coin purses. I hate taking my purse in all the time. Many times I just need an ID, credit card and some cash. Those cute coin purses will fit in a back pocket, I bet.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...