Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Hurrah!!  I got this quilt top together, which was a rainbow quilts one.  It is off to the quilter, and then will be gifted to a patient.

I have been fiddling with the heart blocks, which I love.  Just silly flowers.  I love those too!!

I pulled out this very thick string quilt to put on the bed, for it has been cold here.  I mean relatively.  I know you in the Dakotas and such are laughing at my 12 degree weather, which thankfully was short lived.  The cold weather surely did a number on the garden, though.  Onward!  I got new seeds for the springtime garden today.

I have a nurse friend who loves pink, and has told me several times how much she loves it.  OK then!!  She is a breast cancer patient too.  She will get this one when it is completed.

What are you working on today????


Monday, January 15, 2024

Slow stitching and rainbow blocks and gifted scraps!

Hello!!!  It is snowy here, and yet the sun is out in full force.  The snow will soon be gone.  It is the perfect time for slow stitching, right???  Above is my offering of the week for Kathy, who blogs at the page below.

Janet gave me scraps!!!!  I adore scraps, as many of you know.  I made a little quilt, above, trying to be as accurate as Janet.   Just go over and enjoy her lovely creations!!

Janet blogs here:

This is a brand new year!!!  We are led by this wonderful teacher, below.  She has all kinds of fun ideas to use a different color each month. It is great fun!

I have not forgotten the mystery quilt, just waiting for the perfect time to finish it all up.  

Have a lovely day, all! 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Exactly what goes on with the blog, I have no clue.  I wrote a whole post, and half the pictures disappeared and all the verbage!!  Let's try this again.  Kitty above is very happy to help with any aspect of quilting.  Mostly he loves to get the little pieces and run off at full speed with them!

I was just playing with my 4-inch quilt blocks.  Great fun!

I am making good progress now on the mystery quilt.  Onwards!!!

Hope each of you is doing great!



Thursday, January 4, 2024

Scraps are so much fun!!

In-between making pieces and parts for the Quiltville Mystery quilt, I pulled out some plaids and started piecing Log Cabin blocks.  These are just so much fun for me!

I have had a squirrel nibbling at my brain for a little while, and I decided to make some of these blocks.  I think they are great fun too.  Corn and beans blocks; a public domain pattern.  Scraps make me so, so happy, especially gifted scraps!!  Why are new to me fabrics just so much fun?

 I finished the applique on this little quilt.  Just describes the week, don't you think so?

Have a great day, each of you!


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Happy New Year!!!

A super fun thing happened to me!!  A dear friend, our Angie, is planning a Christmas themed quilt.  Did I perhaps have some Christmas fabrics to share?  Why, I sure do!!  You know I save all scraps, including these.    On the way to you now, Angie!   This is the best part of my idea, Circle of Friends.  If you need something...ask.  If I need something, I will. Between us, we can use our stashes and enjoy our friends, too!  Win, win!  
I sorted out all my big pieces of fabric into color groups and folded them on this shelf.  I love this and feel so happy about it.
Someone I know just turned two!  This is my darling granddaughter.  Happy two, dear!!!  Her theme was a Bluie theme, with donuts for fun.

I found these little fleece blankets at Walmart for...wait for it...THREE dollars each!  I bought a bunch for hospice patients.  A pretty blanket would not be amiss!
I have some tiny zinnias popping up, in the middle of winter.  Determined little things!

A little kitty cat picture...on the circular thinking quilt, done a few years back.  He is growing so fast!
This is clue six of the mystery quilt.  
I just loved sewing this clue!! Clue seven is up, too, which I am kind of procrastinating on, waiting for more information.  Ha!!
I sewed a few little coin purses to gift my nurse friends at work.  Just right for a few bucks and a driver's license, so we do not have to carry purses into the hospital.

Happy New Year!!  Hoping this year will be the best one yet!!!

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...