Saturday, September 2, 2023

Winners and a new baby to love


I am making progress on my scrappy sampler top, based on the 2014 Country Threads mystery sampler.  I adore all these fun and scrappy blocks, made with treasured fabrics.  It is supposed to be done, but I am making it bigger!!!  More blocks equal more fun and more to love, right??

This little morsel above....well, I just got out of the car from work, and heard a SCREAMIMG!!!  Somewhere in the neighborhood.  I went running, total panic mode, trying to find what child was screaming, because I thought it was a little human child.  Instead, I found this tiny kitten.  Maybe 3 weeks old, I am guessing?  It was backed up in the corner by the drainpipe, in my neighbor's driveway, and a hawk was after it.  Hense the screaming!!!  I scared away the hawk (what hawk would not be afraid of a wild banshee hollering and running at it?)  The kitty escaped with no talons through the abdomen, which would have been a death sentence due to peritonitis, but his eye was pecked narrowly escaping actually hitting the eye, and also his left front leg is completely flaccid.  I scooped him and up ran him back to the house, him meowing as hard as he could!

Took him to the vet...the eye will be totally fine.  The leg...maybe not.  It is severely injured from the shoulder, so the vet put him on steroids for pain and for swelling, and the baby is now in our home and?  in our hearts.  We shall see if the baby can heal with that leg...the hawk obviously had it by the leg.   He eats like a trucker and meows for anything he wants, and just wants love and to purr with the loudest little voice, sleeping under my hair on my chest.  No, my chest is not hairy, but I have kind of long hair and that is just the best nest for this baby, according to him.    So that is my drama for the week!!

Remember this leader and ender from Bonnie Hunter about a decade ago? I am finishing it!!!  I recently received gorgeous totally favorite thing, and some of the scraps will be used to make more bowties!!!


Any drama for you this week??  Hope everyone is doing fantastic!!

The last post's repro stack was won by Mary Jo Belk, by random drawing.  I do not have your email address, Mary JO...can you please write to me? Thank you!!!



Annie said...

Oh Lucky baby… Julie, this little guy has no idea what a good life he’s found! Sleeping under your hair? You mean you haven’t started a kitten quilt for him yet? I bet we can fix that…

Nancy said...

What a traumatic experience for the little kitten. It's so good you rescued him. I'm sure he'll love being in your home.
Beautiful quilts! (As always.)

Robin said...

What an amazing rescue! Life saving must be in your DNA.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Look at you making such lovely quilts and coming to the rescue of those in need...both in and out of the hospital. Welcome home little've been rescued by an angel.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Praying the little guy’s leg heals completely. Does this sweetheart have a name?

Katie said...

What an adorable new baby! Does he have a name yet? You have such a good heart to not only save him from certain death, but to take him to the vet and get him cared for. I hope is leg heals, but I've seen kitties with amputated limbs so absolutely fine, too.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What a cutie. Hopefully he will recover and function well.

Chantal said...

Beautiful progress on both quilts. Great job! Great job on saving this poor little thing. He sure had a rough beginning in life. I know he is in good hands now. Have you found a name for him? Hope all heals well for him. The Purring Journal on YouTube is a great place for all kitty information. Enjoy the purring. ;^)

Loris said...

Oh thank God that you were able to save this baby from the hawk! and just the right sweetheart to sneak into your household ;-) This is wonderful on both sides! Enjoy those purrs. They are healing. (heart emoji's inserted here) Hugs!
P.S. No drama here except we are having a greenhouse built! It's on the cold side here for growing vegies and now I'll be able to grow carrots and tomatoes and strawberries!

Star said...

Thanks for your contribution to this blog

Joyce Carter said...

Poor little kittie! He must have been terrified. I am glad you were there to save him and I hope everything heals up nicely. He is such a cutie.
Your scrap quilts are beautiful. If you like making scrappy sampler quilts, Blockheads 5 is starting this Wed. The designers are awesome. The info can be found at---
The pattern info is posted every week on Wed. I hope you can join us.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That hawk went back to his hawks and said - I just saw THE CRAZIST thing come after me!!!
Good for you for saving baby kittie - I hope his leg heals up as well as his eye - poor terrified little soul

Nann said...

Blessings to you for rescuing the cat! Hope the leg will heal so that even if he/she (did the vet check?) limps he/she will be mobile. Oh, and great sampler blocks, too!

Sherrill said...

Oh my gosh, Julie! What a fortunate encounter for the little kitty. Found just the right home!! Hope all goes well for kitty's healing. I have a little cutie I adopted earlier this year and a feral in my backyard that I feed (she gets close but is very skittish and has the clipped ear so I know no babies from her). And you just keep on crankin' out the beauties!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Beautiful quilts.

Elaine said...

What a blessing that you arrived when you did. Hope all goes well and things work out for everyone, how wonderful to have cuddles as a reward. Love the blocks Julie, time for me to work on a winter wonderful scrappy quilt methinks.

Lori said...

I adore your sampler quilt!

I saw the kitty drama on facebook. So glad you were able to rescue her. Good timing after loosing Rosie.

Janet O. said...

Love the sampler! The bowtie quilt looks good as it stands, to me, but if you need it bigger, I'm glad you have new scraps with which to facilitate that! ;)
That precious little kitty could not have been rescued by a more caring, nurturing hero. Of course you answered the call of its frantic cries. Bless you--and lucky little kitten!

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas!!!  It was a quiet day here, one with Mexican food as the theme, instead of ham or turkey.  Of ...