Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Working the plan is working!

Good evening, everyone!!!  Day by day, I have been working my plan, of working on one or two projects a day, intensely, then the next day, another project.  It is working, as I am making project on all fronts.  Above it my String quilt.  It is turning into a heart/string conglomeration, but that is the best of all worlds to me!!!

This one is my 100 blocks quilt...I completed four blocks this week, and sewed two rows together.

I sewed together two more blocks for the 1930's  quilt.  

I completed eight blocks for Lyn's quilt.  

So on I go!  I made progress on my other projects too...just nothing blog worthy, LOL!!!

BUT!!!!!!!!!!!  There are squirrels in our midst...those lovely flitting creatures that draw our attention and love!  

AUTUMN quilts are beckoning to us!!!  Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!




Katie said...

Wow! It is working! When you first shared your plan, it seemed really ambitious. I tend to work on one project, day after day, until it is done. Or maybe two, but probably because the idea of cleaning up enough to work on something else is daunting. But this is working for you and that is awesome! We all have our own methods and I learned a long time ago, teaching young undergrads in the lab, different isn't always wrong! I'm excited to see so many projects...maybe I CAN do more?! (Uh oh, seems your squirrels have found me?)

Libby in TN said...

Great progress! I especially love your 100 Blocks with the solids/solidish fabrics.

Janet O. said...

Look at you go, girl! So many great projects--such variety. Looks like your plan is working very well.
I hear you on the temptation of those warm and cozy fall fabrics!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

So happy that your plan is working. Keep it up!

Binsa said...

Glad your plan is working for you Julie loved seeing your progress

Rose Marie said...

You are doing so good with your plan and then I chuckled about the squirrel! LOL

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohh You are rocking it!!! Its a great plan!

Michelle said...

What a wonderful idea and way to keep things fresh and yourself motivated. I have scores of projects to work on and I may embrace that same idea!

Kat Scribner said...

Julierose, you made fantastic progress on your projects !!! Love all your blocks and the complimentary colors.

Kyle said...

Great plan. Your heart and string comb is fabulous. Watch out for squirrels.

Robin said...

You always get so much done. Your new plan is a good idea and seems to be working well for you. So fun to see your progress.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Great achievement Julie, such beautiful projects.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Love, love, LOVE how that 100 Block quilt is coming together!!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...