Monday, September 6, 2021

An update!

Hello to everyone!!!  Above...I at last chose a fabric to put my primitive/prim blocks together with.  Although, it is a modern polka dot, and I have used lots of pink in the blocks.  So I am not sure what you call this quilt...modern or prim!!!  Anyway, I am scouting around my stash for an appropriate border.  On I go!

I am making a quilt of valor, and made these blocks, above, for it.  Great fun!

For Rainbow quilts, the color of September is I made these blocks.  Yummy!

For Lyn's quilt, I made these blocks.  I love them!

My plan of working on a different project each day is working!  Two weeks down...I am delighted with my progress!!!

******************************Nurse's Notes***********************

We had another patient, on our very floor, that has been declining from covid for three weeks. Yesterday, we had to put her on the ventilator.  Before this, she screamed and cried "Please save me, don't let me die!"  Cried and cried...  Unvaccinated, obese, and diabetic.  Huge trend here with these fatally ill young people.  The patient is 29, engaged to be married.  It was awful, and the whole event and day almost broke our little nurse taking care of her.   Amy, the nurse, is 25 years old, and she just cried and cried and cried too...and was in the covid room all day, she was exposed to so much, I just pray she does not get sick too.  The patient has a 170 heart rate all day...saturation down to 70 percent on all the support we could give her...and now developed a lung air leak with widened mediastinum.  No way will she survive.  Her lung x-ray is totally whited out...should be black where air is.  


I just had nightmares all night about being intubated on the vent, and I could not speak, and no one was in the room to hear me!  Arggh!

Please please, do all you can to protect yourself and your loved ones from this fate.  It is horrific. 





Katie said...

Your blocks look great! And I wouldn't worry about whether it is prim or modern - it is yours and you like it, nothing more to bother with. I feel so awful for you and the many other nurses taking care of covid folks. I pray that this divide over vaccination will end and people will come to their senses. And I keep you and all those many caring for I'll patients in my thoughts, too. I'm so glad you do what you do, even when it is hard. Thank you and big hugs!

Elaine Adair said...

Your prim blocks are wonderful - clear and precise with lovely colors.

I like YOUR QOV blocks better than mine! LOL Remember first grade when that statement was common when showing our colored pictures to each other?

AnnieO said...

Sweet blocks with the sashing! No category needed! Glad you’re sewing plans are working out. I’ve looked at my list of UFOs and finished just 6 this year. The list is way longer than that!
So sad how many people this awful virus has taken. I so wish more folks would protect themselves and others. 600,000 plus have died. Horrible.

Janet O. said...

The grey polka-dot sashing looks perfect!
I really like the variety in positioning of the stars in the orange blocks.
Your Nurse's Notes made me so sad! I pray for you all--patients and caregivers!!

Binsa said...

Morning Julie love your prim quilt and all that you do with your projects. I too was deeply saddened reading your nurse notes.God bless you Julie take special special care of yourself. I am honoured to have you as my friend from across the sea.

MissPat said...

I can no longer feel sorry for those who won't get vaccinated and then find themselves seriously ill (or dying). I do, however, have great concern and compassion for the medical staff who are trying valiantly to save them. I'm thankful you can still find relief in your quilting endeavors and think you are making wonderful progress. I'm amazed you can keep it all straight, though.

Donna Keating said...

Julie, I hope your sewing projects help ease your stress and sorrow. The blocks are fabulous. God bless the nurses and other healthcare providers during this trying time.

Jennie in GA said...

How awful for all….the patient, young nurse and all of you providing the care, Pitt your own lives at risk. What are people thinking??
Love your little modern prim quilt. So sweet.

Sherrill said...

OMG!! When all this covid crap started and I was hearing of people going on vents for weeks, I got me a medical ID that says DNR!! I did NOT want to go through that as I've lived all that I want to and would rather die than go through that (though I have had both vaccines AND a booster). My niece, an RN, is against vaccines period. She didn't get her 2 boys any of their childhood vaccines and of course didn't get the covid vaccine. She got covid about a month ago, was in the hospital for a week or so (but never went on a vent). I just don't understand people not getting the vaccine.

Maxine said...

I feel so badly for you and your co-workers who are going through this. I can't imagine how heart wrenching it is to hear someone begging you not to let them die. All that patient --- and the other people in the hospitals had to do was to get vaccinated. That woman probably can't help that she's obese or diabetic, but she sure could have easily gotten vaccinated---for FREE!! What truly amazes me is the people who work in the hospitals who refuse to get vaccinated. Do they not see what these patients go through? Can they not see that there are people around them who've gotten vaccinated and haven't had any side effects?? The vaccine is safe. I think I agree with the other commenter, I'm losing all sympathy for those people. It just makes me so angry. Because this could have all been behind us if most of the population of this country had gotten vaccinated.

I truly feel that the nurses and doctors who continue to go back to work, day after day, to face this horror are the real heros of this last year and a half. I'm sure you don't feel like a hero--no one ever does. But I think you all qualify.

Thank you for talking to us about your days at work. I don't think any of us have any real idea what it must be like for you to haul yourself out of bed in the morning and go to work.

susan q said...

Thanks for sharing your Covid experience. Maybe the non vaccinated just want attention and want to be right (which they are not) about this pandemic. What a way to get attention! I don't like to feel or be sick. I want this pandemic to end soon, not have it drag on another winter/flu season. I hope your quilting helps you get through this most difficult time. Thanks for being a nurse and not being hopeless. Be safe and well♥

ButterZ said...

It sounds so hard to be living within those conditions

Sharon M said...

Julie, I really enjoy your blog and watching your progress inspires me.
I'm so sorry that this covid experience is so unnerving for our nurses and doctors. Thank you for caring so much about your patients. I send you prayers for strength. May this pandemic be over soon!
Sharon M

GO STARS! said...

Sending hugs and support to all of the nurses and doctors out there. We have friends who even though vaccinated got covid - their daughter, son in law, and two grandchildren under 3 also got it. Thank goodness they are now recovered. It is a scary situation and very sad. Masks and staying in are happening for us again.
I love your Lori Holt blocks and the white stars against the blue. I hope your quilting gives you peace of mind.

Robin said...

The polka dot you've chosen for your sashing is just right. It's playfulness accents the use of pink in the blocks. Too cute! My heart goes out to you and your co-workers as you struggle and fight to keep people alive.

Loris said...

Love the polka dots sashing.

and no words for the distress you and your co-workers are having to still experience...just tears. My heart breaks for the patient and for the dear nurse fighting for her at the bedside.

Susan said...

Thank you for being such a caring nurse. I hope there are no more nightmares. Your quilting projects all look great.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

We are praying for the fiance of our friend's son (also around 29 years old). The wedding was set for Aug 21st, but delayed since the bride and groom got Covid. The groom has recovered, but the bride has been on a respirator for almost 2 weeks now. Over a week ago, the doctors told her mother that they'd done all that they could for her and that they didn't expect her to survive. LOTS of praying since then, with some improvement, but they do know she has lung damage, and she's still sedated and vented. Waiting to hear today's update.

QuiltGranma said...

Love the stars you are making for QOV. I'm going to have to try that method as well.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh Julie, I am so very sorry for what you are going through. I have always felt that we owe nurses our lives in so many ways. You are the ones who actually "care" for the patients and I for one totally appreciate it. I hope for an end to this madness soon, but I know it will be a while yet. I do hope you can continue to stitch the evening hours away in comfort. Bless you!

Lynn Dykstra said...

Julie, I am so sorry. And angry. But mainly sorry.
Our stories are important.

audrey said...

Love your primitive/modern look blocks. I'm so glad we have quilting!:)

nestki said...

Dear Julie,
You are doing your readers a big service by describing the situation in your hospital. A firsthand report is the most compelling and honest. I have always been interested in your nurse’s notes anyway. I know it’s hard sometimes to write about it and I thank you. Also, like so many others, I love your polka dot sashing!

Chookyblue...... said...

Goodluck picking a border...... Do you have more of the sashing?

Terrible nurse news..... Sending big hugs..... Must be so hard working there......I hope she survives but not sounding positive...... Do the lungs recover any when they are that bad?

Flickenstichlerin said...

Nice progress on your beautiful projects.
So sorry to hear about the young lady, so sad. Wishing you and her strength to somehow go through this nightmare.

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh Julie... it's just unfathomable that people are not getting vaccinated and that nurses are suffering because of it.
Please take good care of yourself!
Here's some good news... one of my high school friends came down with covid in April before we could get vaccines in Canada. She has been in hospital for 5 months (2 months in a coma) and was just discharged today! It was a miracle and we are so happy she survived and so thankful for the health care workers who healed her!

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...