Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year to all!

 Happy New Year!!!  I wish all the best for each of you in this coming year!  A new year is always exciting...full of possibilities!  I have several goals and aspirations for this year, and one is to enjoy and use my scraps and then gift the resulting quilts!    Above is a sample of what scraps can be.  A  number of people wanted to know how this block is made, and goes!!


Are you a little bit nutty about your scraps, in the best of ways?  Do you have scraps that you love, and don't want to toss or donate?  Well here you go, log cabin lunatics!!!  ( I am a proud member of this group, LOL!)  

Here is a very dark picture of the can make it any size, but I wanted to use my 1 1/2 inch strips and pieces, lights and darks, (because the bin will not close properly) so I made ten inch finished blocks. 

Here is where I start.  Grab your contrasting fabric (I used red, for two reasons.  First, I have a big hunk of plain red fabric, and secondly, I like it!) Cut two 3 1/4 squares, one of your pale and one of your red.  

Draw a light line diagonally across the 3 1/4 inch pale square.  

Sew a quarter inch away from the diagonal line on both sides, and cut the pieces apart on the line, as above.

This what you will have now, after pressing toward the dark fabric.  Remember to trim those dog ears!

Then draw another diagonal line through the center of one of the blocks, place right sides together, and sew a quarter inch from the line, on each side.

Cut the pieces in half on the line, after sewing.  

Press!  and sliver trim if you need to.  This piece should measure 2 1/2 inches exactly.  You will have two log cabin block centers, already made now.  Easy peasy, and I know lots of people know how to do this, but new quilters may benefit from this tutorial.

AND THAT IS IT FOR THIS WEEK!  Next week, we will start adding rounds.  It will be fun to quilt along, on an easy project with no pressure whatsoever!   Make as many centers as you would like to make blocks.  I made 48 blocks.  This current one I am working on will have the same amount of blocks...the quilt measures 60 inches x 80 inches without borders.  

And here is why I want to use up my scraps!  I dumped them all out and reveled in them today, and Rosie my poodle enjoyed them too!  LOL!  
She dug through them and had as much fun as I did with them.  I have made at six quilts from these scraps, and I am not done yet! Log cabin quilts, crumb quilts... I LOVE SCRAPS!  LOVE, LOVE...

********************************* 1930'S*********************

How many of you were influenced by this period in time?  Maybe you love feed sacks from this periods, or the reproduction 1930's fabrics so widely available now.  Maybe you lived through this time, and have habits and ways of thinking that was influenced by this time period.  Maybe your parents or grandparents lived through this!  This year, I am doing a study of why this happened, the actual living of it, probably from an agrarian point of view, and also consequences and sequalae of the period.  Always the student, I just love history, and I think this period has profoundly influenced a lot of our behaviors.  Stay tuned, as I do an in-depth study, just for fun.

*********************************Healthy habits**********************

As a nurse, I think the medical profession is a bit backwards...not criticizing, but I think we should foster health, as much as treating illness.  Patient involvement and teaching is paramount, and buy-in of taking charge of their own health is so important! 

How many of us charge around, so busy we never take a deep breath, relax, drink our water, or take our 

vitamins?  How about exercise?  

I would love us all to share our healthy habits, and maybe we can influence each other and help each other too!!

*******************************Nurse's Notes***************

I will continue to share my nursing life, not only as catharsis for me, but to share what life is like inside a CVICU, in a busy city hospital.  


I know I have too many things in my home.  As I get older, things are tending to creep in, un noticed...too many things!  I will share what I am decluttering and donating, and also repurposing!  I think we waste too, too, tooo much as a maybe we can share our good ideas about this topic too!

Have a great day!  Sorry for the long post...on we go!



Flickenstichlerin said...

Thank you Julie for sharing your srap usage with us. Wonderful idea. Happy New year to you and your family.

Julierose said...

Oh i just loved doing log cabins loonies last time--I will join in this year too...
I have bags and bags of scraps...and I really like the hourglass center idea...
I hope your New Year is full of joy...hugs, julierose

cityquilter grace said...

i firmly believe that the healthy lifestyle i adopted after my bypass surgery 3 years ago has aided in my ability to avoid the virus thus far...exercise, medications and healthy cardiac diet are now another holy trinity in my life...

Anonymous said...

I am so happy the log cabin lunatics get to create again!!! I am joining in for sure to use my scraps and have some much needed quilts to gift to people. Healthy minds and bodies is important so look forward to incorporating some new ideas and food ideas to keep us on the right path. I watched Martha Stewart on HGTV and saw how she grows fresh vegetables in her greenhouse to eat all winter and wished I had that ability. No running to the store for my freshies and I would love her glowing flawless skin. Kathy

Sherrill said...

I've been trying to use my scraps for a long time now but it seems I just create does that happen? And I never have anything to show for it. Ugh. I've been purging MANY of my old quilt magazines, pawning them off on whoever will take them. My old doc (now retired) was a 'do as I say, not as I do' kinda guy (I only know this because he and his wife go to my church and she'd talk about his poor eating habits). So when he'd start on me (both of us diabetic), I'd say 'hey listen, I know how you eat'! HA

Connie said...

Every time I see a new quilt pattern or an old pattern done with differnebt fabrics, I am just amazed. The possibilities of creative genius are endless the the mind of the quilter. This work is one of those that blows my mind . . . I love it!

Kyle said...

Love to see Rosie rolling in the scraps. They do seem to multiply.

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Oh....I love being a member of the LOG CABIN LOONIES!!! This will be!!! AND I have some I started in previous years when we did different log cabin blocks....maybe I can get them finished too. I was very close to finishing when they were packed away. Happy New Year!!

Loris said...

Happy New year, Julie! Your courthouse steps variation blocks are looking bright and promising! I am still distracted but am determined to get back to sewing a bit. I have been baking still and cooking...which is still a surprise to my DH, sister and neighbors (and me!) ;-) I seem to want to make pies. Not so much to eat them but to see if I can get the pie crust right. HA! Still a work in progress. Then DH wanted an InstaPot so we are learning that too!
Fortunately, my knees are on the mend and I can walk with the dogs twice a day to burn those calories!
And then on the other side of the spectrum...I've been watching de-cluttering and organization videos so I'm cleaning out and letting go of STUFF!
You are so right in wanting to encourage patients...and buy in to taking care of their health. The docs can really only cover so much and it is up to us to listen, learn and make progress taking care of our selves. Little changes can make a big difference.
It is so good to see Rosie helping you with your quilt layouts and fabric sorting :-) I remember she has had some health challenges too and hope she is doing well.
Hugs and prayers for you Julie!

Ruth said...

I really enjoy seeing all the different variations of log cabin quilts! The one time I attempted to make a log cabin block, it turned out twisted. I just could not keep the strips square. So I will be watching to see how everyone else does it. And I will say the same thing about your other planned topics for the year - I look forward to reading about everyone else's efforts, and sharing my own. Thank you for this opportunity, Julie.

Janet O. said...

Rosie in your scraps is a hoot! You two make a good scrap-loving pair!
Looks like we will have some interesting reading ahead when we visit your blog.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Happy New Year Julie! I have plans for a couple log cabin quilts in the next couple months. Looks like I will be joining in on the fun!

nestki said...

Your post makes me look forward eagerly to 2021! Thanks and Happy new year to you, too!

Susan said...

And here's a third reason to use red. Red and yellow were the traditional centers of log cabin quilts. I've been told red stood for the hearth fire and yellow for the light in the window. I really like that block and making the x-patch as the center. That could become a leader-ender for me this year. Thanks for sharing it.

I was born to parents who married at the end of the 1920s, and then lived through the thirties and the war, and I was born at the end of the 40s, late in life. I heard many stories about life in the thirties. My dad had a good job, but they still lived in a house with no running water, raised chickens, and canned and preserved, though they were not farmers. I'll be interested in hearing what your study discovers. The pictures in the Library of Congress are often heart-breaking, and Grapes of Wrath was a bit literary influence when I read it as a teen.

Maureen said...

Love your scrappy loonies quilt. Your 30's research will make for interesting reading this year; I'm looking forward to it. This year I want to be more intentional about selfcare, especially drinking more water, watching my sweets and walking more.

Anonymous said...

The quilt is beautiful. As for the health that you mentioned. I can't profess to be perfect, I try daily to drink several quarts of water, close to a gallon. I walk daily 3 miles. Yes on vitamins although I do routinely forget these. A diet high in vegetables and fruit. Mostly organic food. I as well worked in the medical field, that is why I try to heal myself first. I do the annual blood draw, I study natural health and keep my self informed as what steps to take to keep my numbers in check.

QuiltGranma said...

It will be so fun when you share the history that you find as well, on the time period. My parents were young people then and married before WWII. Daddy was a drill sergeant then a Sea Bee in the Navy. Sea Bees were the carpenters etc as needed. He recalled digging/building a basement for one of the tents so his friend could have a dark room to change the film into photos while out there. So much has changed!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your goals for this year - and that log cabin block... hmmm - I really really like that one!!

Elaine Adair said...

Hah! I just posted my Log Cabin today, for a QOV donation. What fun, they always turn out, and always look good! However that punch of red on the corners might be a next one. It is so visually exciting!

And, I am totally in agreement about drinking a LOT of water, for health. And I attend the Wellness Center at the hospital to keep my old body moving - it's always a good thing, and I am proud of myself for continuing over 4-5 years, even thru Covid limitations.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I may not keep up with everyone else, but I have a huge box of 1.5" low volume strips that are in need of a project akin to my dumpster diving efforts. Time will tell!

Cathy said...

I love that block and may join in! I think I've been a log cabin looney twice in the past years.

In re '30s...I love the ''30s repros because they remind me of my paternal grandmother who taught me to sew and embroider. I loved looking at all the fabrics in her quilts and she would tell me stories about the clothesthat she used in the quilt and the people who wore them. She also told me some stories about the Depression era. And she had some folk cures like peppermint for an upset stomach and my grandfather said whiskey was always good for what ailed you. Grandma grew up cooking on a wood stove and when they got a gas stove she never could cook and burned most everything. I was fortunate to have my grandmother in my life. Even though she did not live close I spent a lot of summers at my grandparents' farm.

I take vitamins but I also eat well (lots of fruits and veggies that are mostly home grown) and have a lot of hobbies to keep me fit both physically and mentally like gardening and quilting. My parents were alcoholics so I rarely drink alcohol and instead have always liked reading as an escape.

Sherrill said...

Hey, can't find your email but wanted to tell you I got my vaccine today!! Woohoo!

Donna Keating said...

Julie, when I saw a Facebook post about a new quilt exhibit I thought of you. Too bad it is not local. It is called String Theory and there are several photos. @

ButterZ said...

I’d love to see more of what you make with the smaller scraps, crumbs and leftovers. Your floor looks like mine... Haha

Barbara Anne said...

Hi! I just found you and I'm a retired RN and quiltmaker of 30 years. I, too, LOVE scraps and scrap quilts! You're bookmarked.:)

Stay safe!


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Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!

Rainbow quilts!!!  I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year, we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my ...