Thursday, April 30, 2020

Applique with friends update, and also...a Pinterest pouch!

 Here are my blocks for this month, for Mrs. Lincoln's Sampler quilt.  I enjoyed the applique immensely!  But the prep is not that fun.  But then again, I don't actually LOVE the running I have started to do at the track...but I love the way I feel immensely!!

  The following quilters are participating.  We will be showing completed blocks on the 30th of each month!  Take the time to visit them to see their completed monthly blocks!

Karen – Log Cabin Quilter (Lead)

Cathy – Biglakequilter

Jennie  – Overthehillandrunning

Julie K –  Juliekquilts

Robin –   solsticestudio

Nanette – Doitrightquilter

Jan – Nanette will show her progress on her blog.  

 Ok, so I love Pinterest, and decided to make this pen/pencil pouch, from a pattern I found on Pinterest, for my work tools. 
 It turned out OK...not exactly as the lovely illustrations showed, but it is usable.  Totally user error...the pattern was great. 
 OK then, so I tried another Pinterest pattern...this little snap purse.  I added the wrist strap.  It is OK too...would be better if I had a serger, I think!!  But it is totally usable and I will carry it to work, with my driver's license, credit card and twenty bucks.  No purse...just that.  And a Chapstick!
I am making more here I am in that process.

Have a great day, everyone!!


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Borders on the purple quilt

 And that is it, folks!  Just a simple border. I do not have any batik yardage big enough for an outside border, so there you have it! A finished top!
 I am glad to have to together!
 There was one extra block, so I made a potholder from it.  Quilted it to death, with two layers of batting inside.
And wow...did I ever make a mess!  That is my favorite mixing bowl, full of potato salad, or it it is shards in the garbage!  What a mess...I tried to get the milk out of the fridge, and dumped out that bowl, too!  Geesh!!!  But the bright side is...I get to shop for a new mixing bowl!  That one had a wee chip anyway...

Have a great day!


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Dear Jane and friends!

 I have all the blocks for this quilt made.  How much more simple could anyone wish for?  8 inch blocks, alternating with 6 inch blocks, bordered with 1 inch strips. So this jelly roll is toast!
 This is a good patient to make and will be sturdy for the many washings it will receive.  Win win!  And pretty colors to cheer someone!
 This is my latest Blockheads 3 block.  Please see all the free patterns here:

Mine is a bit different than the original...I call it a design decision, but what it really was is that I cut the middle block the wrong size!  LOL!  It all works...and this is not brain surgery, so I just improvise and be happy for a finished block. 
 I did get these blocks made for my mystery quarantine quilt.  Please see the free patterns here!

 And...tada!  I made a block for Dear Jane.  I am really trying to make a block each Sunday.  Surely slow progress is better than NO progress!!  I am actually quite proud of this imperfect little block...a triumph for me! I find if I just get up when I wake up in the middle of the is quiet.  NO one hollering for me to come here and see this or do that or what are we going to eat! LOL!  I love the quiet times...alone times are rare for me these days, but recharge me a little bit.  So insomnia is not all bad!
And here the block is, in the row.  Row G!  I am up to row G!

What are you doing today? Sewing?

Hugs to all!


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Light blues and masks

 More masks.  I like making them as pretty as I can.  This batch is going to neighborhood ladies.
 Four more blocks were completed today.
And one of these blocks, too.

What did you do today?

Hugs from Julie!

Monday, April 20, 2020

A center of something pretty!

 I purchased this applique block from the Quilt Museum.  They are needing money to stay afloat, and I loved this.  Win/win!
 I sewed more of these Garden Party blocks.
 A few pinwheels, and I found out why my pinwheel blocks were not meeting in the centers!  It was a pressing problem!  Hurrah!
And JulieRose was playing with her scrappy blocks, and I just had to emulate her! 

Please see her blocks in the link below.

Have a super day, quarantined or essentially working!


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Dear Jane update

 I have a progress list...and Sunday is Dear Jane day, LOL!  I was just wanting to make any kind of forward progress on this long term project, so I made this block, number M-12, "Hopscotch".  I am trying to make the blocks as closely as I can to Jane's fabric selections, but I am only using what I have, and also, her fabrics have faded with time.  So here is my block!!  PROGRESS!!

Annie was kind enough to join me on this project, and here are her blocks that she shared last.  Very nice work, as you can see!!!

Please see Binsa's blog Here:  She is making great progress!!!

So I crochet, too.  I have been crocheting a line a night, while I am waiting for things to settle down in the house and everyone to get to bed, as it is too noisy to sleep and I hate to waste that bit of time.    I am putting a white border on this afghan, and it will be called done!  I have only a tiny ball of blue variegated yarn hurrah!  I used it all up!!  (almost).  If no one wants it in the family, I will donate it to a patient at our hospital. 

Hugs to all!!


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sorting and I re-did the guest bedroom!

 I found this little quilt hiding quietly in the guest bedroom.  I took everything out of the room, cleaned carpets, edge cleaned, and ordered new blinds, taking down the ancient draperies, which in their day were quite decadent, but now are quite drab and dusty, regardless of cleaning.  Hurrah!  So I was glad to find this is cheerful and fun, and I want to make another one, because it uses scraps, which it what I have mostly.
 Here is a little picture of Rosie's tushie and tail just for you!  Hahaha!
I also found these Christmas blocks.  These are too cute and just must be finished into a quilt.

I have come to a point of saturation, where the sponge (my brain)  is spilling over and cannot possible take anymore water before dripping everywhere.  So I will be selling a few fabric bundles and kits and etc, just because I feel like SOMEONE needs them more than I do, and can get them done. I don't have a lot of kits, or bundles, and I saved for them, but it is time to share!  Are any of you at that point? And I make it worse on myself by wanting to join every quilt along there is and enjoying pinning quilts on Pinterest daily that I just MUST make!  LOL!

Have a great day, each of you!!

Julie K

Friday, April 17, 2020

Making the best of it!

 I am caught up with Moda Blockheads 3.  I eliminated a couple of blocks (one paper pieced) and added a couple.  I am using fabric of all one line on this quilt!  WOW!!!  I never do that, LOL!  Ahem, plus I added a couple of scraps...
 Here are the blocks I made last night when I was supposed to be sleeping, but could not sleep due to the corona virus and worry.  I am so very careful, but my biggest fear is to bring it home to vulnerable people around me. So that is what I was worrying about.  I strip my clothing from the hospital at the door and run for the hottest shower I can stand, and scrub my hair and body as hard as I can, but I still worry!
 This is four more blocks for my Laundry Basket mystery quilt.  These blocks make up step number 15.

See all the steps HERE.
I made a few pinwheels from the cut off corners saved from making the above blocks.

Depression children:

My mom and daddy were young teenagers in the depression.  Therefore, they used everything up and saved everything.  I find as I am getting older, that I am well suited to stay in and make do because of being brought up by them.  I had twistie ties for my masks, saved plastic bags to put masks in, and extra can of pumpkin for pumpkin bread,  etc.  So this week?  I am cleaning and organizing and tossing junk!  My mom even saved bread bags and used them over and over...and I am just not going there. 

In that vein, does anyone need anything for a project they have going?  I mean maybe if you need, for example,  purple two inches strips, you know what I mean, or something specific to add variety to your quilt, I would be willing to share.  So just keep that in mind, and maybe we all can help each other and share what we have! Just let me know, and I will see what I can do with my scraps and fabric.  Waste not, want not!  (Thanks, Mom)

Hugs to all, Julie

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Farmhouse Sampler

 Karen and I are making a new quilt!  It is the Farmhouse Sampler, by Linen Closet Designs.  Here is my first block, which I loved making.

Below is my first attempt, which I thought would be wool, but I thought given the large size of the block, that perhaps the wool might feel clunky and chunky and not flow well.  So I restarted and made the cotton version of the block, above.  I am making a pillow of the wool start.

Please see Karen's blog, here :

It is great fun for me to see my friend's blocks and color choices!

Here is the whole quilt, courtesy of Linen Closet designs.  Please see here if you are interested in the pattern:

Hope you are having a wonderful day!!


Monday, April 13, 2020

Little blocks!

 I made some tiny blocks today, three inches finished size. 
 It started like this...on my counter top.
 But really, it started like this!    I challenged myself to make all the blocks from this basket of scraps.  I found myself picking out the red, white and blue fabric scraps and made the blocks from them. 

*********************Nurse's Notes**********************

Some good things:  We now have a rapid test solution for the Covid suspected patients.  We received two patients from the emergency room with fever and pneumonia, but their tests were negative.  We have a total of seven nurse who have quit/gone to other places, now.  We have very few patients, because all elective surgeries are cancelled, to save equipment and PPE for covid patients.  So on we go...stay home, wash your hands and pray for a quick end to all of this!


Saturday, April 11, 2020

More masks...and a lot of work for nothing to show for it!

 As I don't sleep in the nighttime, I sew masks.  Here is the batch from last night, and I have more cut for tonight!  I go to bed at 10 and am up at 3.  Every night!  I might as well do something useful!
 I have been hugely busy cutting out blocks.  Tiny little strings were left...and I made a squishy little mat, rather than throwing the strings away.

LOL!  This is what I have been so busy on!  I re-use these paper plates over and over, to organize my block pieces. For example, this is block 15 of the current quilt I am working on.  Looks like a terrible mess, but I can just take the paper plate to the sewing machine and have all my pieces together. 

So on I go!  I was off work at noon today.  Because of the covid virus, we have cancelled all the elective procedures, including ablations, elective pacemakers, and bypass and heart valve surgeries that can wait.  So we don't have very many patients except for chest pains and congestive heart failure patients, along with the covid patients.  So two of us got to leave early today!  Whoop!!

Have a great day, everyone!


Friday, April 10, 2020

Corona Cottages, and masks

 After some puzzling about it, I just cut up an old scrub top from the hospital and put that as a border around my houses.  Blue sky!  That is what it stands for!
 I am making masks.  I have a roll of tiny elastic, and that is what I am using for mine.  I have given them all away.  I love to see the pharmacy girl, and the tax CPA wearing home made masks!
So I am making more!  Hugs to all! I have made dozens so far. 

I took my life in my hands and went to Costco and the pharmacy yesterday.  The Costco people were continuously wiping down check out stands and grocery carts, and it was so sterile and clean looking in there.  GREAT JOB, Costco!  They said if I wore my badge, as a nurse, I would not have to stand in line, but I rejected that...not fair to everyone in the line.    Everyone was doing their social distancing and very polite and kind.  There is no toilet paper, but we have a couple of rolls left and then will improvise!  No bleach, no hand gel,  no Clorox wipes, of course. 

***************************Nurse's Notes******************************

So far, we have PPE (personal protection equipment) at the hospital. One huge problem is getting test results back in a timely manner.  One test took two solid weeks!  The docs are testing people with cough, fever, and lung consolidation. There are many negatives, which is good, but still burns through our slim supply of personal protection equipment, because once you are tested, you are presumed positive and isolated, and nurses, docs,  and techs that visit the isolation room has to wear max protection.  It is weird, surreal, and I will be heartily glad when we get to some kind of normalcy.  My face hurts from the tight masks, and I have cracks/super dry areas on my hands, from continuous washing and re-gloving.   We have cancelled all elective cases, and so the cath lab/recovery girls are working in the Covid units.  Older nurses are just retiring on the spot.  The core nursing staff remains, and are supporting each other, making headbands for each other and food for all each shift.  Many churches and ministries are sending food and support, too. 

  The pregnant girls now have quit, and gone to a labor pool so that they can work desk jobs as needed, or some work away from the Corona patients.  Older nurses have done the same thing.  One 72 year old nurse just calls in every shift, sick!  (She is just frightened, but I doubt she has a job for long).  The kids  (young nurses) continue to be very afraid of the whole situation, and that is all they talk about.   Our hospital has cancelled all elective cases, and so the cath. lab/recovery girls are working in the Covid units.  One nurse quit to go up to New York to work in the Covid wards up there to help!

So on it goes, folks...stay safe!


Monday, April 6, 2020

Introducing my Covid Cottages quilt

Many quilters are mandated to stay at home these days, on quarantine through their state and local governments.  Some quilters are making little houses, reminiscent of these days of staying at home. So I did too!  But I just made a small quilt, because I want this to be over fast!  The roofs are all plaids, and the houses are a solid color.  The doors and chimneys (appliqued) are whatever scraps that were on the cutting table at the moment!  I don't have border selected yet, because that is hardest part of everything for me.  The skies are all blue though...we want blue skies and summer heat to burn off this virus!!! This quilt need a sun on it, too...I am thinking about that.

Have a great day, all of you!  Stay well...please let me know if any of you contract the virus or any of your friends and family!

Julie K

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Hair covers...all about the Covid

 One of my doctors at the hospital where I work told me I need to keep my hair completely covered while I am in the Covid rooms.  I made these two hair covers today.  I tie them tightly around my head, and tuck the ends in...they look like a biker chick do-rag!  LOL!  We have to wear face shields and tie masks around our faces and heads all day, so hair is just in the way.  Chinese nurses are shaving their heads, believe it or not.
 Take a 24 inch square of fabric, and a 2 inch strip, cut width of fabric (44 inches).
 Cut the fabric in half.
 Find the centers on one triangle and the strip, and sew them right sides facing together.
 Press toward the triangle.
 Sew the other one similarly
Now fold the square together, right sides facing, and sew around the whole thing, leaving a space to turn it right side out.  Top stitch around it for strength and durability, because it has to be washed every night.    Tada!  A head covering, easily made. 

I additionally have these, that I stored in my drawer for a long time. The drug companies used to give them out freely to the nurses at the hospital.  So now I have hair covers for work!  

I took care of a covid patient yesterday. Deadly sick on the vent.  Stay in...don't get this stuff, friends.  Hugs to all.  I have a bit of a cough and headache today, but I think it is because I have had a mask on 14 hours a day for the last 3 days.  My saturation is fine, and lungs are clear to my own auscultation.

Stay safe, 


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...