Wednesday, August 7, 2019

So which one do you think is better??

 I made this quilt long ago, in the the matchy-matchy days of the early 1990's, I think.  Or was it the 1890's?  Haha!  Anyhow, I always have wanted to make this quilt again, bigger, though!!
 I made this block yesterday, and I just drew out the pattern from the original block, because the original pattern is long gone.
But I was this version less cluttered, more whimsical?  Or is the above block better?

What do you think, friendlies???

Have a great day!



Chantal said...

IMHO I don't think one is "better" than the other one. It all depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a more airy quilt than less leaves will work best; if you are looking for the traditional look than more leaves fits the order better. I love both. Less leaves mean more negative space to make beautiful quilting designs. Just think about that. Enjoy! ;^)

Loris said...

I agree with Chantal...these blocks are both beautiful. Lovely work even back in the 90's, Julie.

Lilac Joan said...

I like the newer less cluttered one. But all of your quilts and ideas are great!

Julierose said...

[Being Olde hahaha]-- I like the older version better--I like those leaves on the 1st one--altho' they are both lovely and certainly above my level of applique expertise--which is just about nil...hugs, Julierose

Katie said...

I like the block with more leaves. The one with just two leaves per space makes me think of bats. Probably just me, and I hope I haven't ruined it for you, but I made a mystery quilt once and fabric placement ended up making bats, so I am particularly careful about unintentional bats ever since! (I sure wish I had a photo of that quilt because it gets referenced a lot...)

Robin said...

I like them both. For me the decision would be, Do I want to do more applique or less applique per block? So pretty.

Joyce Carter said...

Both blocks are pretty Julie, but I like the block with more leaves best. The one with less leaves has too much room between the leaves and looks like something is missing. Your blocks--your quilt though so choose the one you like best. Have lots of fun making them

Teresa said...

I like the older block as well. I think the extra leaf makes it looks more symmetrical or completes the circle. They are both pretty blocks though, and whichever you choose I am sure will make a lovely quilt.

Rose Marie said...

I like the original better ..... but it is your quilt to make it the way you want it.

Binsa said...

I like the original block Julie

Lizzy D said...

I like the original block because I don't like the odd pointy-ness of the single outer blocks. Also if you are enlarging the block?, did I read that right?, there will be more white space to fill.

Lori said...

I like both!

Elaine Adair said...

I like the one with more leaves. Both just fine but ...

Barb said...

I like the group of 3 leaves myself, but the other one leaves more room for quilting ;)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Well, had to study them a minute and when I looked at the original quilt I decided! I like the original cluttered one! LOL! Doing good Lady

Kyle said...

I personally like the one with more leaves. More opportunities to use lots of different fabrics

Quilter Kathy said...

I like them both... maybe they could both be in the quilt?

Janet O. said...

Personally I like the three leaf cluster--is it because we are always told odd numbers of things are more pleasing to the eye? I don't know, but it does appeal to me more. However, the other one doesn't look bad, and it would mean less work, which would give it my vote if I was the one doing it. :)

AnnieO said...

The original is Classic, the new one is more relaxed, like today's jeans, lol!

KaHolly said...

BOY, that’s a tough choice. They are both lovely!

Carole~Quilter on the hill said...

It's too hard to choose Julie, I really like bothof them!!

Randy D. said...

They are both beautiful but I hate to say that I like the one with more leaves...
Sorry... more work!!

julieQ said...

Thank you so much, everyone, for your input!

audrey said...

I do like the less cluttered look. It's a choice I often end up with though and honestly, I'm not sure it's from actual preference or just plain laziness.:) lol

Sharon said...

OK, so it took me a bit to figure out what the difference was from the new block to the old block, then I realized you had 2 new blocks!!! I need more coffee. I like the 3 leaf version, odd number thing, I guess. It's very pretty.

Mystery quilt and more

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