Sunday, August 18, 2019

Dear Jane update!!!

 Happy Sunday to all of you!!  I finished hand quilting and binding this quilt.  Hurrah!  I then washed it and it shrunk about 5 inches in width and height.  Wow, lots of shrink, but it has that old fashioned crinkled quilt look about it, and it very soft, being made from all old plaids and plains.
 This is my Dear Jane quilt block for this week.  I used paper piecing, applique and regular piecing techniques.  All of these little blocks are challenging, but on I go, one a week!!

Please see the quilters below, who are working along too...and we have more joining up!!

Lcrrkhs:   Kathleen


Chantal just started her 365 quilt up again!  Yahoo!

And see this has lots of information about how to make the blocks!

I always drag this old round table topper this time of year...a dusty old sunflower, because it is so hot here!  The label on the back says I made it in 1997.  22 years ago!

I am linking to Kathy...for a little slow stitching!!

Have a great day!



Chantal said...

This DJ block reminds me of St-John Ambulance. My foster-dad was a volunteer for them many many years ago. Sweet memories of him. Thanks for the shout out. I hope your friends won't be angry at not seeing a DJ on my post. Maybe you should mention that in the post. Just saying. ♥ ;^)

Sherrill said...

Hey for some reason I can't send you a message when you comment on my blog. You remarked about the row by row I was doing and I posted this explanation on my blog since I couldn't send to you -- They aren't panels..they are rows that are pieced or machine/hand appliqued. Shops around the country design their row based on that year's theme (themes have been seasons, H2O, Home Sweet Home, On the Go, music and taste). From end of June to end of Sept., you can go into any shop participating and pick up their pattern free or buy a kit. There are facebook groups of quilters who do this and many are willing to pick up kits for others around the country and mail to them. Maybe you already knew that but just wanted you to know they weren't panels.

Shelina said...

I was just cleaning up the space where my DJ blocks are. I was mighty tempted to start working on them, but alas I must keep cleaning! You are making progress!

julieQ said...

Thank you, Chantal, I updated the blog to mention this block was one of your 365 blocks!

---"Love" said...

That first quilt is beautiful; lots of work there! Sorry it shrank up so much, but that doesn't seem to bother you too much, so that's good. Your DJ blocks are beautiful too. ---

cspoonquilt said...

The Flying Geese are great! Love the colors against the white and the break in pattern at the top. I have had that same experience with Yarn dyed fabs! Big shrinkage but oh so nice and soft! cheers!

Janet O. said...

That is a surprising amount of shrinkage, but I do love that flying geese quilt.
Kudos to you for plugging along on the Dear Jane. Wish I had your stick-to-itiveness. I never started it before I gave up. LOL

Binsa said...

We are making progress Julie

KaHolly said...

How can 1997 be so long ago?

Kyle said...

A label can definitely make us aware of the passage of time. A beautiful finish.

Quilter Kathy said...

You already finished that quilt?!?! That's awesome!
How did you quilt it?? I can't really see in the photo.
I love it!

Randy D. said...

That flying geese variation quilt is gorgeous. Can't believe you hand quilted it! When do you have the time??
Really loving your Dear Jane project...
Very impressive.

Karen said...

You keep on plugging away on those Dear Jane blocks one at a time. I will be so envious in the end that you made the effort and will have a wonderful and challenging quilt to show for it.

Rosie Westerhold said...

I LOVE the flying geese block. Did you post info about that process in an earlier post? I only recently started following you. Any info would be appreciated

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love that flying geese quilt. Interesting that it shrunk that much.

Mystery quilt and more

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