Sunday, June 2, 2019

Nothing started, nothing finished!

 I played with these stars!!!  They are 9.5 inch finished.  They are so inaccurate, it is laughable!!!
 So...I looked at these rulers.  NO WONDER the pieces don't fit!!  See the big gap where the rulers should meet??
Very crooked!!!  The star points blocks blocks were way big and had to be trimmed to 3.5 inches to fit in the block.

So, guess what?  I got new rulers!  Joann's had them on sale and the lady at the counter gave us a coupon and they were 6 bucks and change.

I am going to try again for more accurate blocks...but I will use these too, anyway.

Have a super day, each of you!



Libby in TN said...

Holy cow! I would never have thought to check the angle. I use a different brand but still am never happy with the results, though I love the secondary effect that triangle creates.

Chantal said...

You poor girl, trying to fit pieces that will never fit properly. Have you noticed that the rulers aren't from the same company? That's why they don't fit together. I'm pretty sure you have another EZ ruler somewhere. Good luck with the hunt. Your stars are still cute. Looking forward to see some more. Enjoy! ;^)

Material Girl said...

So funny! I think the center of the TriRecs ruler is more like 54 degrees than 60. I guess you just had to do more trimming. I got a different brand at Joanns that I like better than the TriRecs. I still don’t love making them BUT they sure do look good. Thanks fir sharing!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I will have to look at the brand I have and see how the fit is - I think I got them as a set so they should work out ok

Tired Teacher said...

That's a big gap! I'd send them back to the company.

---"Love" said...

I too think the problem is the different brands. I checked my Tri-Recs just now, and they match. Look for your matching ruler, and I bet it will work. Your blocks are lovely anyway! ---"Love"

Anonymous said...

I"m going to have to check my rulers to see if they fit. I would have never noticed if you had not pointed it out. Thanks for sharing.

Lori said...

That is horrible! And kind of laughable too!! Super cute blocks!!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Bummer. I have those rulers, but do not remember if I have used them before. They used to call them Peaky and Spike.
I use Eleanor Burns Shining Stars templates. I prefer a 'floating star' bock versus a star block that gives one heartache! In fact I use all of Eleanor's templates for my flying geese and I never have an issue.

I always cut the pieces larger and the size them down, if not one has to use scant 1/4" seam allowance. What a pain!

I also have a Creative Grid that was made to use with the 2 1/2" pre-cut strips, but that did not work out either. Now I was making small stars and 6 1/2" stars.

Glad you got a new ruler it is so frustrating when things like this happen.

Shelina said...

That is the best way to keep things in balance - not starting anything new when you haven't finished anything. Your blocks look beautiful, but I can imagine your frustration when the rulers don't fit with each other. I'm glad you have solved the situation so your next blocks will go together more easily.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Thats a huge gap!! glad you got new rulers - cuz I like that block!!

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Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

You only had half the set of rulers. Glad you now have a correct set.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh my - been there, done that! The Tri recs is ?? 57 degrees or something but NOT 60 degrees. Gotta have the correct 2 working together. I've also had disaster making a group quilt and we all had 60 degree rulers, but half were "engineered" and other half of the group had the 60 degree ruler that came to a point. I STILL get messed up with the difference. I have learned. Groan. Glad you have the right set now.

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