Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Linda Brannock's flowers

I am slow but steady progress on Linda Brannock's Flower quilt.  I have been wanting to applique this quilt since my friend Karen (see her blog here)  http://karen-logcabinquilter.blogspot.com/  made it last year.  Of course these blocks need pressing and trimming, but here is where I am!!

Have a super day, everyone!!



Janet O. said...

They are such happy, folksy flowers. :)

Cathy said...

Your blocks are beautiful. Karen and I had so much fun making this quilt. Hugs

Lori said...

I really enjoyed making that quilt, but now that it is complete it isn't one of my favorites. Your blocks look terrific!!


Nice job--and isn't nice to finally be doing a project you have wanted to do for long--??
I too am working on a project that I have wanted to do for years--
enjoy, di

Kyle said...

Have fun getting back to this delightful project. The flowers are so whimsical and prim.

Rose Marie said...

You are doing a great job! Have fun with making more blocks.

audrey said...

Love seeing these blocks! Applique just makes me happy.:)

Danice G said...

Very nice blocks Julie. Appliqued blocks are really pretty.

Karen said...

Slow and steady will get you there. Like the race between the rabbit and the turtle.

Sherrill said...

HEY!! It's been longer than usual between your posts. Everything OK?

cocoya said...

I really enjoyed making that quilt, but now that it is complete it isn't one of my favorites. Your blocks look terrific!!
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