Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Lavender hearts

With all this purple floating around from sewing purple and green quilt blocks, I just had to make a small purple heart quilt. 

I did something really good!  I went through all my green and purple fabrics, and eliminated those I will never use, like a piece of green velvet and a chunk of purple corduroy. I have a surprising small stack of each!!  I am making headway in using everything I have least that is what I say, and I am sticking to it!

I tend to remember what I was doing, when I hand stitch quilts, and this one will be forevermore known as the day that the Baseball team in Washington was attacked...I went from hot tears to hot anger about that situation today.  I pray for swift recovery for those attacked and peace and unity for our nation.



---"Love" said...

Today truly was a sad day for our nation! Your little heart quilt is quite lovely. I hope you somehow labeled it so that not only you will remember the sad event, but your family through the years to come. I too pray for peace and unity for our land we love! ---"Love"

Janet O. said...

I had not heard the news yet today. Had to ask Hubby what this was about. So many sadly disturbed people in the world today.
The sadness aside, this is such a beautiful little purple quilt, Julie. It makes me smile (if I don't think about what you heard while working on it)--and that pretty border fabric is a beautiful finish!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

What a sweet quilt--perfect for those purple scraps.

Leeanne said...

Pretty......another gift for a patient?

Kyle said...

A sweet quilt. Hopefully, it will be a reminder of the goodness of people.

Little Penpen said...

So feminine!

Vic in NH said...

What a beautiful expression of your compassion for the tragedy that occurred on that day. Let us never become hardened about it. The quilt itself is just as wonderful as you are as a person.

Karen said...

The purple hearts is a sweet quilt with that floral border. Will that go to one of your heart patients?

audrey said...

It's funny how some quilts bring back instant memories. Good for you for working from the stash!

Lori said...

What a nice little quilt. I've been trying to stay far, far away from the news. I can only handle so much.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...