Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It was a squeaker!!

 A celebration is in order!!  I finished the "Ocean" quilt top!!  I already had the sashing cut, in the 1.5 inch box, so that is what I used.  The border is just muslin, but it reminds me of the beach...and I did not have to go buy any new fabric.  So there!!  I am using up stash, and feel quite smug about that, LOL!
 The photo just does not show the vibrancy of the colors inside...
 This quilt needs to live in a beach house somewhere!!  I think there are a zillion little 2.5 inch wide strings, and some as narrow as an eighth of an inch...each one sewn to the next, rather mindlessly, as I listened to music or the TV.
I have saved this particular color of strings, (read hoarded them) for years.  I just love this color, or the feeling that this color imparts...the color of the ocean for me.  In my memory, this is what the ocean looked like...a million different colors.  Not quite blue, and not quite green, and some sea foam mixed in there too.

Above is all I have left...very little was a squeaker to get the blocks all made and still maintain some variety in the blocks.

I may be reckless and throw this handful away!!!  Perish the thought!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!



Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Put those pieces in a Bonnie Hunter string quilt. Great finish! They are nice colors.

Janet O. said...

Nice finish, Julie. I think it has the soothing effect of the ocean colors, along with the hypnotic movement of the waves.
That was a squeaker! : )

Sherrill said...

VERY pretty!!! It's absolutely seaworthy HAHA! Guess you need to buy a beach house and use the quilt over the sofa there. YES!

Julianne said...

Gorgeous! Great finish!

Randy D. said...

Julie, what a great way to use up scraps. I love what you did. but my question is whether it made a dent in your stash??
I'm willing to guess NOT... VBG

Loris said...

Sweet! Cozy up and enjoy some relaxation while you dream of days at the shore. Great work making such good use of your stash and scraps!

Unknown said...

Those colours are gorgeous

LintLady said...

Hello Julie,
yes,this quilt reminds me also of the ocean. This colours ARE the ocean.
A beautyful quilt! Thank you for sharing.
Hugs -Doris

Terry said...

It's beautiful! I love the colors in this one!! :0)

Sue SA said...

Those little leftovers will make a nice surround for the label on the back :)

Vic in NH said...

Congratulations on a wonderful top! Beachy keen!

Tired Teacher said...

Excellent finish - a very "happy" quilt.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Beautiful quilt and great use of stash--I always enjoy when the elements come together

Kyle said...

I think you can envision the ocean waves coming up over the sand. I think you captured the colors and the movement of the water with scrappy strings.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Soothing and perfectly wonderful ... Love it!!!

nestki said...

That is a quilt that I would be happy to have, and gaze at over and over. It has many pieces of fabric yet is restful: perfect for a bed. It is appropriate for day or night in any season. It certainly does look like the ocean. And it was free! Or was it? The quilt is free but when you take into account the purchase price of the beach cottage . . . well, I would say it was certainly worth it!

GO STARS! said...

Beautiful! My favorite color!

Karen said...

Hurray! Love the colors but I already told you that.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Congratulations Julie to this wonderful top.
What beautiful color mixes, nice job.

Lori said...

WooHOO! It is seriously AWESOME!

KaHolly said...

Julie, it's glorious! Congratulations on a beautiful finish! It absolutely belongs in a beach house! XO

jude's page said...

Love this quilt, you have done a great job with your colours, now all you need is the beach house!

Missy Shay said...

It turned out great!

Quilter Kathy said...

Now don't you be getting reckless and throwing scraps and caution to the wind!
Love the ocean quilt!

Barb said...

I know it feels good to have a looks fantastic

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