Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Free quilt along...a little behind-ish!!

 Lisa of Primitive Gatherings participated in a Quilt along for Christmas...although my blocks are not stitched down yet, I have been trying to catch up with prep work. Above is a cute Santa fellow...I like his beard!!
 Here are all the blocks so far.  Lots of work yet to go!!
 This crooked little block is one that I changed up, so it is uniquely mine.
 Hey, Santa Claus came!!  And he brought me this lovely sewing chair!!
I love the storage in the seems the perfect place to keep threads.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebration!!  I am working on two mystery quilts today...stay tuned!!



Paula, the quilter said...

I've been lusting after one of those chairs. Enjoy it!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Love your hand work and great chair!! I've never seen one of those.

Tired Teacher said...

Hurray for Santa! That guy sure knows how to pick out the perfect gifts.

Love your Christmas blocks AND your chair.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great chair!

Leeanne said...

Fabulous Chair! Just think if it is cold you can put a hot water bottle or wheatie pack in there to keep your tush warm!! :-) Lovely Christmas blocks, you aren't behind, you didn't say which Christmas it was for.

Needled Mom said...

That's a great chair. I love those Christmas blocks too.

Kyle said...

Your Christmas wool blocks are super sweet. It's fun to make a few blocks your own. Nice gift from Santa. It looks comfy, practical and Is a great color.

Missy Shay said...

I love your chair! Just think of it this way, you have a whole year to get it finished!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
the Christmas blocks are adorable, wonderful designs. Love your chair, perfect for threads, you are right.

Janet O. said...

Your Christmas blocks look really good. Thought about joining in, but talked myself down from that ledge. : )
Looks like a very nice chair. Love the storage area--great place to hide chocolate.

Nancy said...

Such cute little Christmas blocks. Like Janet I too convinced myself to keep away from this one.
Love the chair.

Lori said...

You aren't late for Christmas, you are early!! Great chair!

Sandi said...

Love the switched out wreath block you designed. I've got the block but haven't started them yet...too many other things to do. I like how they did the final borders.

Tour sewing chair looks great, enjoy it!

Jo said...

I saw one of those chairs in a recent exhibition. It is fantastic. Nice stitching too.

Jeanne said...

Love your blocks and the chair is awesome, too!

Anonymous said...

is that chair from IKEA? I want one. Tell me where you got it from.
Irene Kimono, Yorkshire, UK

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...