Thursday, July 30, 2015

String X!!

 Tada!!  120 String X blocks completed, and they are sewn together!!  Just need a border or two...whoop!!  I used everything in this one...completely scrappy.
 You can make circles by making a four patch, then backing it with fusible web and blanket stitching it down, or needle turn appliqueing it down.  Your choice!!
You can make hearts too...out of four patches!!  Have fun!!

Have a great day,



Norece said...

Such a great quilt. Thanks for sharing the idea for the circles and hearts.

Sherrill said...

WOW!! That was FAST! And using everything makes it that much better. WTG!

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Lovely !

Janet O. said...

You amaze me! Always turning out such wonderful scrap creations in record time. Will you be putting circles and/or hearts on this quilt?

Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Julie,
looks so good, great progress.

KaHolly said...

Another beauty, Julie! Scrappy-licious!

Kyle said...

So many scraps = Wowzers! You have a canny ablitity to create something awesome from such little bits. :0)

Chantal said...

Oh the heart is such a lovely little touch. WOOONNNDERful!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the addition of the hearts and/or circles!!

Gina said...

Great quilt. I love the addition of the circles and hearts.

Tired Teacher said...

All those strings came together into a beautiful quilt. Well done!

audrey said...

What a great quilt! Always love to see your string fun.:)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Very cute!

Leeanne said...

Cute, I thought that might be how you did the circles.

Rebecca in AK said...

I love it! String Extravaganza!!

Karen said...

I crown you Queen of the Strings!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...