Monday, July 13, 2015

Sewing it up!!

 So today?  Using it up is the name of the game!  I take very seriously and enjoy very thoroughly any little piece of flotsam and jetsam fabric that I am given, or acquire in some way.  I feel it is my responsibility to use it all up!!  So I am, with great JOY!!!  A scrappy rail fence quilt top...any goes, right???  I so appreciate my friends who have gifted me scraps and strings...I USE THEM!!
 These are the centers of some scrappy log cabin variation blocks.  Homespun is what the vision was, and I think I am right there on that, LOL!!
 The little trimmings from cutting the above quilt are all wadded together, pressed flat with lots of starch, and sewn over free motion.  So...nothing goes in the trash, and I have a hot pad I don't mind getting a little oven drippings on...because when you wash it?  It becomes better!  No poly in these...just cotton.  Poly transmits heat!  (Ask me how I know...)
 Two of these...
 Well, my old iron bit the dust.  I guess it did not like being dropped to the tile floor.  Imagine that...So I was using this old, old travel iron; the very one I sent with my son to college that he never once used! Kids just don't press much these days, they have much more fun things to do!
My husband saw that I was using this old iron (in the spirit of using things up) and went out and bought me this iron!!  I am so excited to use it for the first time.  Thank you dear hubby!!

Hey, everyone have a MARVELOUS MONDAY!!!!



Kathleen said...

wow, that photo of that iron sure does have a lot of steam !!! It looks like a hovercraft, flying along on a cloud of steam... enjoy !

audrey said...

I enjoy using the bits and pieces given to me as well. It's a fun challenge at times! Best of luck with your new iron!

Tired Teacher said...

Love the rail fence quilt. It's both cheerful and colorful.

Gina said...

Great makes, I love the scrappy rail fence. I've never thought of using all my off cuts for pot holders, great idea

Loris said...

Fun progress on your scrappy units and rail fence.
What a sweet hubby to get you a new iron. It looks like a good one from the picture!
I'm here sewing on my homespuns today too.

Janet O. said...

What a beautiful, scrappy rail fence top!
I am in love with those little stars and can't wait to see them in your log cabin blocks.
Clever use of scraps for hot pads. Interesting bits of info we collect through life experience. : )

jude's page said...

Love your scrappy rail fence and good luck with the iron. Mine recently died too and I am looking for another one, and want a stainless steel base and finding it hard to get!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

What a great guy you have there!!!

Sue SA said...

Ha, ha I am imagining your wrinkly son heading out to lectures! I still think ironing jeans is a waste of time! I use to drop my iron on a frequent basis when we had tiled floors, now we have carpet I haven't dropped it once! I am loving you rail fence, another great ideas for my scrap pile - that never seems to diminish!

Chantal said...

Love the Rail Fence quilt. You did a great job with that one as with the little homespun stars. So cute!!! Have a wonderful Monday too. ♥♥ ;^)

Ali Honey said...

Your scrappy rail fence is lovely. Well done you scrap buster!

Leeanne said...

Scrappy love! I have worn out so many irons! Te trick I think to long life is no water in them......fingers crossed.

Lynn Dykstra said...

I love the little stars!

Kristie said...

I'm always amazed with your work! You have the best scraps!! I think I am just going to have to add your rail fence quilt to my list to make. What size strips did you use?

Judy Dietrich said...

Love the rail fence quilt top----so much color!! Irons just do not last. Of course, contact with tile floors does make a difference. Thanks to the family pets (mostly). I just bought myself a new wide ironing board, and it has a iron holder at the end. That might help.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love the scrappy hot mats!
Be careful with that iron... it's a turbo one, so that sounds like a lot of power!

Lori said...

I love a new iron! I need one too,:)
I adore you use up so many scraps. I get tired of seeing them in every quilt I make! LOL The same scraps, it seems.

Vic in NH said...

Your rail fence is a scrappy classic! It is on my "must do one" list, because I love the look!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...