Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Cutting, cutting, cutting!

 You know those bonus triangles?  The kind you get when you sew connector corners, and keep the triangles?  Well...I may have a zillion!  Billion...well, maybe only a million.  I would not want to exaggerate here.  I decided that since I am in a cutting mood, I would trim them all up to a usable size and make SOMETHING!!
 So I did....
I know that this does not look like many, but trust me!  That is at least a million!  Or two hours of trimming.  But I can use them now!  And have a reasonable chance of them meeting at the points...at least a little closer than if I did not make them a uniform size.

I have more...big and little...just considering what to do with all of them!  What do you do with yours???

Have a wonderful day, every single one of you!!  And to our Veterans, happy Veteran's Day!  I appreciate every sacrifice you have made for my freedom and privileges. My Dad is among you. THANK YOU!!



Karen said...

I like!

Quilter Kathy said...

That is at least a gazillion!
I like to hoard them.
And sometimes I make a quilt with them.... like my favorite scrappy flying geese which is still a UFO!

Chantal said...

So cute! How big is the block in the first picture? I too hoard them. I never had the energy/time to re size them into something workable so the pile just gets bigger lol. I should write it on the to-do list so I don't forget.

Janet O. said...

Oh, I can so relate to this!
I do anything and everything with mine! Make stars with pinwheels in the middle, make little quilts like you show at the top.
Check out this link to see what you can do with triangles.

Dasha said...

I have just embarked on a project which will result in a gazillion HSTs. (from snowballs) I have pre planned, and will double sew them. I intend to use them in a border on the same quilt. Most of my sewing is of much smaller pieces, and usually the triangles are too small (for me) to bother with i.e. end square less than 2", so I bin them. Also, none of my triangles are ever the same size or have complementary colours, so I could never use one batch with another.
Your project is looking very promising.

Vic in NH said...

Oh happy day, I hoard them, too! But I do have several blocks made up for Ocean Waves as interpreted by Bonnie K. Hunter over at Quiltville.com. I have also made up a bunch of little pinwheels for small quilts, too.

Loris said...

Nice work! I did the same thing with some plaid leftovers and am sewing them into Broken Dish blocks....or at least that's what I think they are called 😁

Nancy said...

I try to use mine in other projects as quickly as I can.

By my count, you have at least a zillion! Keep up the good work.

Linda O said...

It does feel like a million when you're trimming and trimming, doesn't it? But look at all those HSTs you have to work with now! I tend to collect them, but then a project will crop up where I'll use a bunch. I have a bunch I have earmarked for what I think will ultimately be an ocean waves quilt some day.

ria vogelzang said...

I would love them and pet them and hug them...... ;)
WOW! So great to have those tiny triangel-units ready to go! They will make a beautiful quilt!
I think I also have about a million of them..... :D

Marly said...

I save them too, but to date all I've done with them is stuff them in a plastic bag! Good luck.

Terry said...

I give my little triangles away to someone I know will use them, because I'm pretty sure I'd never get around to making anything with them! LOL

Teri said...

I have mine it a large bucket waiting for inspiration, perhaps I should just mail them to you! You could probably use another million...right?

Sue SA said...

Hmmm confession time! Yes I recently started keeping my bonus triangles and they are kept in small tubs and when I started trimming some I put those in a different tub....and now who remembers which is which!? But you have inspired me to put a bonus triangle project on my wish list for next year ;)

Wilma Lee said...

Sometimes I save them, sometimes I don't. The ones I do save are mixed in with all my other scraps.

Deanna said...

That was a lot of trimming, but worth it. If the blocks will be less than 1-1/2" I don't save them, but the others eventually turn into something.

Michelle said...

I love to make wallhangings with them...here is one of mine and the quilt that I got the bonus triangles from: http://afwife85.blogspot.com/2013/04/some-finishes-to-share.html

KaHolly said...

That's a good question. Mine, unfortunately, are scattered throughout my scrappy stash. A little baggie here, a little basket there.....wonder how many I'd have if I put them all in one place!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Mine are sitting in a tub, on top of my fat quarter shelf. I did use some earlier this year.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I have LOTS. And I have high hopes of actually using them one day. We'll see. ;)

Lori said...

Wow! That's a lot of trimming, but how fun to have all those hst!

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