Friday, June 13, 2014

Primitive Gatherings block 2

 Nothing is appliqued down here, but the second block is together, somewhat.  I have not made any of the alternate blocks yet, but have the four patches for them cut out.
 The freebie that was provided is also fused down and ready to stitch.
And both blocks together.  It is great fun to work on these!!

I am off now to clean, clean, clean...the laundry room beckons!!!



Anonymous said...

I've got to get these! Very pretty!

Me and My Stitches said...

Looking great - and you are on a roll! My #1 is all fused down, getting ready to start on #2!

Mary Ann said...

Sewing a bit finally after being so short at work that we had to work 10 to 12 hours 4 to 5 days a week! Sew some yourself and enjoy! Mary Ann

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness! I am doing this BOTW too. I am at about exactly the same point...waiting on my order of perle cotton to arrive. I can't believe you're doing a second one...that's awesome! I'll be blogging about mine soon!

Nancy said...

Love, love, love those blocks!

Leeanne said...

Gosh I am tempted to do these, so pretty! Are you just using your fabrics?

Chantal said...

I am really falling in love with Primitive Gatherings. Got to find these patterns. Love it. Great fabric combo.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Beautiful--Primitive Gatherings is just the best!

Karen said...

The bird house makes a cute block. Lookin' good!

paulette said...

WOW!! Looking fantastic!!! I love the free project too!!

Barb said...

very fun blocks!

audrey said...

These are really great blocks! Love the applique.:)

Rebecca in AK said...

This are such pretty blocks! They are just Happy! I hope your patient is doing better!

Rebecca in AK said...

This are such pretty blocks! They are just Happy! I hope your patient is doing better!

Shari said...

I've got both of mine fused, with the exception of one leaf that I missed cutting out. Have only done the sewing on a few leaves on the first block. This is my first BOW and I'm just glad to be keeping up so far with the fusing!

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