Monday, June 9, 2014

A little bigger and lighter...

 I just love, love, love Lisa Bongean's block of the week, from her store Primitive Gatherings.  She has one each summer, and I have really enjoyed participating or just watching these beautiful designs coming together.   I love it so much that I feel inspired to make another version, one to give away to family.  How about a scrappy version??  What is a day without scraps?!!!  I made the block a little bigger, and a little scrappier.  So now I have another block to stitch...what could be better than that??  This is made of all cottons, as I do not have enough wools to make it as pretty as Lisa's version.
And the little freebie block is prepped and ready to stitch too.  Yahoo!!

Happy Monday to ya!!



Quilter Kathy said...

Wow! Not one, but TWO great versions of this block... great job!! I think I like the scrappy version even more!

Linda O said...

Oh, my, another one already!! Looks wonderful in the scrappy fabrics too!

mckie2 said...

Holy cow-I got my package on Thursday and it is still in the bag. I feel like a slacker for sure. I better get busy since you already have 2 done.

Sandi said...

I'm waiting for mine to arrive, thanks for sharing this lovely block of the week! Living in Canada they take a bit longer to arrive, but they also will bundle the blocks to help up with postage!

Me and My Stitches said...

Holy cow! You go girl! You will have 2 quilts done before I get my first block finished!

Lcrrkhs said...

OK, can you share your applique process? Or provide a good tute that you use? You make it so appealing! Thanks!

Kathleen S., Normal, IL

Janet O. said...

Looks like both each version will have its own appeal. Love the block so far! : )

Judy Dietrich said...

Ok I moved my package by the sink to prewash the cottons!! Working on knitted snuggle wrap for my grandbaby due in July!!

Judy Dietrich said...

Are you using the fusible on your pieces before stitching down?

Rebecca in AK said...

I love this block!! What method do you use for applique? You get so much done!

Julie H said...

I love the scale of your bigger block - it makes the original block look cluttered.

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