Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy birthday Dear Husband!!!

Today is my husband's birthday! He is one year more beautiful...maybe two years more beautiful, he has had a wonderful year! Happy Birthday, darling!!!

Week two...on Lisa's Garden, from Primitive Gatherings. The wool is so much fun...if you have never tried appliqueing with wool, I can tell you, it is a blast! I am done with week two, and week three block fabric arrived today.

Dear Jane...I have missed you! I did another two blocks today...this one was a favorite. I had to sneak some plaid in there somewhere (sorry Jane, if you are offended). It was done by reverse applique as above...
And this is the finished block. I know I said I was only going to show progress when I have a row done, but each one is really a good deal of work, and we are encouraged to share our here it is!
My dear husband and I planted some Caladiums last week...and they are popping up now. Each Wednesday, when I weigh in, I will take a picture of the caladiums, just for fun. I bet they will grow fast!

Speaking of weigh in Wednesday...I gained a pound! Not surprising with all the holiday revelry on Father's day....back to it, girl!

Dear Rosie...she really loves her new toy! MINE! she shouts with all the body language possible for a 12 pound doggie!!!

Have a super day,


Sunday, June 20, 2010

An almost finish!

Hi Y'all! Isn't this a huge strawberry? Very pretty! and very in my tummy gone! I made some fruit dip to eat with our fruit tray for Father's day...our son and his wife came, and we had such a wonderful time! Please disregard the very swollen hand...

Fruit Dip

1 container Cool Whip (I used fat free)
1 regular container instant White chocolate Pudding ( I used sugar free)
1 8 ounce container of cream cheese (I again used fat free)
Honey if you want to make it sweeter...

Mix it all up! I used the blender and added a little milk to thin it a little...yum!! It was really good, really easy. We had all kinds of fruit and dipped into it.
I had these blocks from five years ago; they were exchange blocks from the hospital quilter's group, the Remnants (cool name, huh...). Anyway, in the interest of getting everything done I possibly can, I set them together and one of the hospital ladies quilted it for me. This was a huge stash buster! The backing is red and was donated fabric from a friend. I just have to hand stitch the binding.
Lisa's Garden progress: This is the first week done. I have one more week already waiting for me, but feel great that I have been sort of keeping up. The wool is WONDERFUL to work with! A must try!!

Rosie the poodle has been playing with a toy all day, one of the kid's dogs' toys...she won't let go! She is such a comfort after losing Rusty...just a little doll!

Have a wonderful day, all!!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fun stuff! Calling all you primitive and woolly people!

It is all Lisa's fault! I don't know her...she doesn't know me...but she got me hooked into another quilt!! Primitive Gatherings is having a summer block of the week. The applique is wool, and the nine-patches are reproduction leftovers from their shop. Perfect! I love the scraps!! The wool is great fun to work with, a blast in fact. I just have a barely start...and am having just so much fun! This is a play off an old quilt made by Florence I have admired forever. I love those old masterpieces!
I recently had a 5 inch fabric swap with my work quilter friends...We were all supposed to cut a few five inch squares to swap, so I made three equal stacks..and came home with....

A MOUNTAIN! of all sorts of five inch squares!! One girl was cutting up lots of her stash, just to stash bust...She had tons of fabrics cut up. Cool, huh??

*******************Nurse's Notes**************************

Hey, I have recently had a online friend question whether I should talk on line about my patients, and I really appreciate her concern and candor. I never, ever mention a name, except with written permission, (once) and always change facts and identifying info. I talked to an attorney about this...I wanted to make sure I was OK mentioning my work...and have gotten the green light. Keep in mind, this is my life, but I will not disclose identifying information, and some facts will be changed so the people cannot ever be identified, to protect them, and me too.

That being said...

I had the sweetest little boy today as a patient. He was 40 years old...and a boy of about 5. Just darling, sweet, and very, very sick. Cerebral palsy is a cruel disease...devastating in mind and body too. Despite overwhelming challenges, he was such a doll...and I would love your prayers for him! You know, staying a child is not all bad...his family loves him dearly, and he has faith and good humor and grace to shame us all!!!


Thank you so much to everyone who said such kind words to us about the death of our sweet means more than I can express. Thank you!!

Have a wonderful day!!


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our Darling Rusty Poodle.

Rusty 1993-2010

Many of you know about our little poodle that was our dear pet for years and years. He has been failing more and more lately...Dear Rusty passed away this afternoon at 3:15, at our home. He was born in October 1993, and was a huge part of our lives. He was just as sweet and sprightly as this picture shows, and will be greatly missed. We love you dear dog, and just know you are in doggie heaven, all is better now.


Saturday, June 12, 2010


HI Y'all! Happy weekend to each of you! Above is the crop...of cherry tomatoes. I add them to salsa, and they are good just to eat, if you like tomatoes. Such a pretty red, aren't they? I have worked many hours in the garden this weekend, planting and weeding and cutting and trimming...and it looks better! Our peaches are coming on...hopefully soon. I love peaches!
The above package is from Lyn, all the way from Australia. She has a LOT of her Dear Jane quilt already done, and she has been encouraging me, now that I am making one too. She was kind enough to print off a whole row of foundation pieced patterns for me!! It is special paper, thin like onion skin...wonderful, and I can use it to foundation piece on. It is row M...mmmmmmm!! Yahoo! I can't wait for time to play with these...thank you so much, dear Lyn!!
At the grocery know those little orchids they sometimes have, next to the produce section? Our little store had a few, and this orchid hopped into the cart to come home with me last year. I enjoyed the blossoms, and then thought the plant would succumb...but it has thrived! Here is the current pretty and delicate, I love it! Hey you plant people...what are the runner appearing things coming from the top of the pot??? I must replant this after the blooming time has passed.

***********************The Other Shoe Dropped*********Nursing Notes*************

Some of you may recall this spring where I had a very unsettled feeling, like big change or something was coming? Well, Friday, I found out what some of that feeling was! We are relocating our nursing another building. That is all well and good, however, we will only have 12 beds, instead of 20 beds. The staff? that normally staffs the eight extra beds? Well, we do not know whether we will have jobs or not have jobs. Seems like to me it will be pick and choose the staff he wants for the boss. We are told fact, I found out from the dietitian that we were moving. Then the big bosses sent an e-mail out. So, hmmmmmm....hope I have a job come October, which is moving day!!!


Have a super day!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weigh In Wednesday! (On Thursday)...

Hi Y'all!!

I meant to post yesterday about my weight loss...sorry Stephanie! If you want to check her blog out, Stephanie is a wonderful quilter, and she is hostessing a weekly weigh in on Wednesdays. Drum Roll please...

I am X + 8! (X is my goal weight, right in the middle of my correct BMI). I did not lose an ounce...but then again I did not gain anything either.

Have a super great day!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A day off!!

Dear Jane: I have not visited you for a couple weeks, and when I are difficult! The sewing was great fun, but these blocks are not easy for me. A stretching...a growing is occurring! I know they are not perfect, but I love these blocks anyway....I am on row three, and sewing it together as I go.

The days crop of Klosjes...I love the blue ones the best!!

What are you up to? What are you working on this summer??


Monday, June 7, 2010

Hi Y'all!! I had a few minutes...and made a few Klosjes!! I have the basket almost full now, and when basket is full I can start putting all the spool blocks together. I like the red one the best of this latest batch.
I finished hand quilting the plaid stars quilt, with Baptist fans all over. I had lots of waiting time this week, so tried to take advantage of this and quilt when I could. This was the best fun!!

Just the texture on the back...large stitches equals large fun!!!

Hugs to all...hope your week is going along splendidly!!!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...