Above are my blocks for the Make Do Memories quilt challenge. Lyn, my friend in Australia, is saving these vintage blocks...several of her friends have been challenged to make a wall quilt by next spring...Fun! And so pretty.

Above is my finished block...well, it is Pat's finished block for her Sylvia's Bridal Sampler quilt! She is gracious enough to help me with a hard block, so I did one for her. I like the way it turned out, and I have one identical for my SBS.

Can you say Mystery Quilt, please? Here is part two, all ready...Bonnie Hunter's mystery from Quiltville.

There is a story behind this postcard...I nearly lost it/tossed it! I was going through the stack of junk mail, and in between the pages of a circular was this lovely postcard. It is from Darcie at www.quiltingbydarcie.blogspot.com This is example of her amazing longarm quilting...I love it, and it is up on my bulletin board for all to admire. Thank you so much, Darcie!

And more goodies! Above is a gift, an early Christmas present from Lyn, of www.bluebirdquilts-lyn.blogspot.com. I love it and it reminds so much of the Amish dolls I have seen. Thank you Lyn! She sells the pattern for this...her own design.

Lyn also sent this vintage sewing kit, it is just wonderful. Awesome!

Can you say snow?

Look at what we got this morning!! A skiff of snow, gone in minutes, but very pretty to see swirling down.

The first of two dog quilts ordered up for Christmas for my grand-dogs...hope they like them! :)

And working on part three of Bonnie's mystery!
Whewww!!! And we are supposed to travel this week...we shall see!
Have a terrific day, everyone!
I'm trying to do Bonnie's quilt too! I love her stuff. Do you have her book? I just had to have it, and I can't wait for the next one to come out.
You are doing such lovely work. Thank you for sharing your progress with us.
How fun for your barter block with Pat! I think this is a fantastic idea.
I'm really looking forward to seeing Bonnie's latest quilt on your blog.
Wow! WHat a bunch oif pretties you have! Aren't Darcie's postcards great? I have a cousin to yours. I guess I need to get on the bandwagon over at Bonnies- just so busy in December- maybe for next Christmas. Have safe travels.
Oh...I just LOVE my block you made for my Sylvia's Bridal Sampler quilt....I started on yours and hope to have a photo by the weekend! Love all your work and what nice gifts you got and showed us, too. Please don't send any snow this way...okay?
You have been a good girl so you are getting to open all those wonderful presents early....enjoy them!
You busy girl! All of this and some traveling to-boot?! ;-) Enjoy yourselves...and stay safe.
Oh...and you are very welcome. ;-) Hugs!
You are a seriously REAL quilter my friend. For real! If I were to hold a candle to you, I'd light up for sure. :) Much love, *karendianne. who can't pick a favorite photo...
I'm enjoying seeing Bonnie's quilt on done in so many color combinations. Yours is looking great. Love your SBS block, too.
I will try to keep up to you!
You have snow?!? Send some my way...we have nothing so far which is unbelievable!
Love your Hexagon blocks and girly who ordered this cold cold weather? It was not me! :O)
I should get my Hex's back out to work on :O)
beautiful all quilts, i love so must all your work, congratulations
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