Monday, January 21, 2008

Lookee, lookee!!

Hi everyone!

See what I have been doing on this rainy, soggy, cold day? I previous had made all the blocks for Bonnie's Mysterious Quilt, and have been setting them together today. I took a little bit of design liberty and set mine together with sashes and cornerstones, and I just love it!! I am about 1/2 way done with setting mine together for the center of the quilt, and then will add borders. This will be my Fourth of July bed quilt. How should I quilt it??? Would love to hear your suggestions if you have any strike you.

Does anyone kind of hate to see the blocks gone? Weird, but I liked the little piles of finished pieces and blocks. Maybe that is why I have a lot lying around!! hehehe :) I like piles of fabric lying around too, kind of like potential energy...and the finished quilt is kinetic energy!!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday, whether at home or at work or at the sewing machine.

Thanks so much, Bonnie, for putting this mystery quilt out for all of us. It has been so much fun!



Vicki W said...

I think your RWB version is one of my favorites!

Tonya Ricucci said...

looks great - you did a wonderful job of choosing fabric.

antique quilter said...

Looks awesome!
I will do mine with sashing as well, when I get back to it!
Ilove the block you have for your picture.
Is this from a pattern?
or is it an antique block?

Karen said...

This is such a beautiful quilt. You put a lot of work into this one.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Norma said...

I like this version a lot. Red and blues seem to work really great with this.

MARCIE said...

Looking good Julie!

Sølvis blog said...

The quilt turnes out beautiful

Jenni said...

That looks amazing - red white and blue always looks great, doesn't it?

Susan said...

Oh, it is gorgeous...........

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh it is GORGEOUS!

Shelina said...

Oh I just love it with the sashing and the RWB theme. Gorgeous!

KC Quilter said...

Just loving how that quilt is turning out!!! Your color choices are fantastic

Unknown said...

I really like your quilt and the setting you chose! Do you have a pattern name or designer for this one? Being a longarm quilter, I think that I would quilt this one with an overall design as there is a lot going on and you may not be able to see a beautiful motif that may be set in the blocks. Unless you are planning on something special for the borders then I might reconsider. Thanks for visitng my blog and for the lovely compliment!! I love your blog and am subscribing.

Jeanne said...

It looks terrific! Can't wait until April for the next one.

Chookyblue...... said...

wow your quilt is looking good.......

Rose Marie said...

Wow ..... this is going to be gorgeous once all finished! Great job.

YankeeQuilter said... I have the inspiration to get back to my Carolina Crossroads! I may eventually miss my blocks but I am sure my DH will not! He is finding them everywhere!

Nicole said...

Oh my gosh, is that ever beautiful! I love that sashing!

Unknown said...

Love your quilt! Great colors!!

Elaine Adair said...

Loveleeee, loveleeee! Sashes are just great - no suggestions for quilting though. I usually have to stare at a quilt for a while before something comes to me. The quilt is just wonderful!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...