Friday, October 12, 2007

progress and thankfulness

Hi to everyone!! Thanks to everyone who made me feel so welcome on the Quilting for Pleasure ring. This is so fun!! It is hard to believe that I can interact with someone in Norway, someone in Australia...just so neat to share our live, isn't it.

I am off today, so am working on my lavender Pineapple ala Bonnie ( Quiltville). She has such fun awesome patterns, check her out if you have not!!

The orangish quilt is one I saw at the Dallas Quilt Show, and the lady said on her comment she just wanted to get it done. So I have been working on mine for a year at least. All the pieces are cut and ready, all I need to do is sit my fanny down and do it! It will twelve blocks when done, and just really needs to be hand quilted (it whispered to me) :)

Do you like my old milking stool? I was brought up on a farm, so reminded me of home times, so I relieved the antique store of it (on clearance). I have used it for sitting, for a plant stand, and all sorts of fun stuff.

I especially love this little quilt, the rose ring quilt. It is small, just wall hanging size. It was inspired by a pattern in a library book. The funny thing is, I had to make up part of the pattern (having returned the libray book too soon, but on time) :( sometimes I sabotage myself a little, I think!! Of course, it was checked out for months after that, so I just finished it my own way. It is entirely hand worked, from seams, to applique, to quilting.

The old crock has some of my doll and little quilts in it. I will show those another day...I have vowed to try to make just bed-sized quilts, because I tend to get stuck in the "trimmings" and scraps, and forget about the original big project that the scraps came from...sigh...but it is fun!!

I hope everyone has peace and is enjoying our fall time.

Quiltingly yours,



Anonymous said...

Such pretty quilts Julie, wow I'm super impressed all done by hand, now that's patience.

YankeeQuilter said...

Wow, that purple quilt is coming along great! The little milking stool is adorable. I love using old pieces to show-off quilts. (a belated congrats on your level promotion!!!)

Darcie said...

Oh goodness! I've done the same thing with my two crocks! That's funny!

Love that milking stool! ;-) It looks well-used. ;-)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...