Thursday, October 11, 2007

a level four...

I just had to share the news that I am a "level four" nurse at my hospital!! Which means on the clinical ladder, that is as high as you can get! The decision committee just decided today...Lots of work went into the presentation and book of documentation, but it was worth it...So I am so happy! Yahoooooooo!!



Toni said...


Congrats on the Level 4...I am sure it is well deserved.

Thanks for stopping by my blog..

Hope you have the weekend off to celebrate...Toni

SuBee said...

Well, hello and welcome to Q4P!! I'm so glad you stopped by, it's good to meet you! What kind of nursing do you do, and would you like to work in dialysis? (shamelesly recruiting) Level 4 - that's great!
I love your little quilts, that's a talent I'm trying hard to cultivate.
Terrific blog!

May Britt said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. You came up with no reply so I have to answer you back this way. If you look again at my blog oct 2nd at the bottom of this post you can see how to change your profil so we can be able to reply you.
Yes I do ski a little bit but are not so very fond of it. Just short trips now and then.
Snowy hugs from Norway
PS Congrats on your Level 4

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You deserve a party. Your family must be so proud of you.

I also want to thank you for leaving me a comment.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Julie, congratulations on your accomplishment.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...