Monday, December 9, 2024


Hi everyone!!

I have been busy working....and piecing...and raking leaves. Above are my plaids star blocks...a UFO.  Yes, a genuine UFO!!

I made progress, which feels lovely!!

Are you participating in the Quiltville mystery quilt?  I am!  Above are my step two blocks...sweet little four patches.  I love them!

I am quilting Baptist fans into this quilt.  Plaids again...and making great progress.

Step one of the mystery quilt.

And more of those!!

My kitty Lucky is always attentive to help and run off with blocks if he can.  I just adore him and his big ears.  Darling baby!  Look at those pretty eyes!

There are outside cats here, and one especially touches me.  His owner died, a lady on our block, and the family just turned him out on the streets instead of finding him a home. Before I knew about him, he was emaciated to the point of death.  I have been feeding him morning and night, the best high fat and protein diet I could find for cats.  He is now doing so much better!!  Long story, but he is just uncared for...but no more.  I love him, and frankly, he is a darling baby.

I make this quilt into a baby quilt.  Off to the quilters, and then to be gifted to the next baby that comes along at the hospital.

ON we go!!



Robin said...

Looks like you're staying busy Bonnie's quilts are always so fun. I'm not participating this year, I'm trying to finish up some other projects that are weighing on my shoulders. The baby quilt is adorable.

Joan H. said...

Is there no way for the outside kitty to become an inside kitty?

Cherie Moore said...

That is just horrible to turn a pet out, unconscionable! And disloyal to the lady who passed on and would be heartbroken. I love your plaid stars and it just feels so good to move an UFO along, doesn’t it?

Julierose said...

I just love your plaid stars, Julie K;))) Looks like you are keeping up with that BH mystery--I love seeing everyone's "takes" on these --tho' I don't participate myself--too many pieces for me...
Poor baby kitty--who could do that? I mean really? ;(((( Good he has you to feed him...maybe he'll decide to come and live with you and your cutiepie;)))
Hugs, Julierose

Joan H. said...

My husband has spent the last three hours trying to fix the no-reply commenter problem. this is a test.

Astrid said...

Your plaid stars are so pretty! Indeed, those blocks need to go from UFO to Finished Quilt! I don't do QMQ, great progress on yours! Pretty baby quilt, and the Baptist quilt is gorgeous. Oh my, how can people be so cruel to that poor cat?! Wonderful you are taking care of him. Is it possible you can adopt him and get him inside or will that be a problem for cute Lucky?

cityquilter grace said...

i love your plaid projects...i am tempted big time!

thejacketseller said...

Your plaid star blocks look fantastic—such great progress! I’m also excited about the Quilt ville mystery quilt; those four-patch blocks are so cute! By the way, if you're looking for the perfect christmas jacket, check out The Jacket Seller. We offer all types of leather jackets for men and women, perfect for the season!

Tired Teacher said...

Love all the stars and the gorgeous baby quilt!

Sherrill said...

I took a picture of a quilt online that was star blocks like yours but they were all blues and I loved the setting. Maybe one of these days I'll get to it! That just PISSES me off that people would just dump their animals! I have 2 kitty cats now (got a baby at the shelter a few weeks ago and my other has been with me for a couple of years) plus a feral that I feed daily. I have a kitty house on the back porch for the feral but she'd rather be under the shed. I'm working on Bonnie's Moonshine currently and always save the steps in case I decide to do it. I've only done Easy Street and LOVE that quilt!!

Nann said...

You know I'm partial to plaids and your stars are wonderful. The first three parts of Old Town have been easy -- deceptively so. I expect to see coral coming to play when part four drops tomorrow.

Stephanie D said...

Plaids are definitely your signature quilts, and I love them. Plaids just make quilts feel extra cozy somehow. When there are shelters everywhere, how can someone be so irresponsible as to turn a pet out into the streets? A pox on that family! Thank goodness you are there for that baby!

Janet O. said...

Love, love, love the plaid stars!
I wish you success with the Quiltville mystery. So far things are looking good.
Both kitties are lucky to have you looking out for them. They are God's creatures and their lives should be respected. Out here in the country we get people's cast-off pets dropped off at random. Many have become farm pets over the years.
Wishing you a beautiful Christmas, Julie. You deserve it as much as anyone I know!

Hot Browns Across Kentucky said...

Your plaid stars are so lovely. Plaids and ginghams always feel so comforting to me, definitely takes me back to my childhood! I’m new to your blog and soon to be new to quilting. It’s my New Year’s resolution to set up my sewing machine and get moving! Thanks for posting so much inspiration! ❤️

Lori said...

The baby quilt is really darling! I don't understand people that would do that to the precious pet who likely was so important to the owner. Glad you are feeding it. What has happened since then?

Anonymous said...

very digitizing companies nice work(*&(*

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...