Thursday, December 26, 2024

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas!!!  It was a quiet day here, one with Mexican food as the theme, instead of ham or turkey.  Of course, I just had to makes pies!!  YUM! So enchiladas and PIE!

Above is my final border on this quilt.  I did not have enough for one color, so chose two pieces big enough to fit.  I love this quilt so much...the diagonals just draw me in.  I guess I love all quilts, don't I!!

I have been hand quilting this quilt.  Just two more rows to complete, and I have will have it all done. Hurrah!

I made a small pencil case for a friend at work.

Of course there is mystery quilt progress!  Above are all of my pieces and parts.  Bonnie Hunter has a mystery quilt each year, and it is such fun!

You can find all the clues to date here:  Quiltville's Quips & Snips!!: Old Town Mystery

Lucky the kitty got a new ornament for the Christmas Tree.  Rather, his Christmas tree.

He really loves it!!  Bells...jingle....what is not to love for a sweet kitty?

Just look at those pupils, dilated and laser beam focused!

 One more picture of our sweet boy.  His fur is the softest velvet you can imagine.

Onward to a NEW YEAR!!  Wow!!


Monday, December 9, 2024


Hi everyone!!

I have been busy working....and piecing...and raking leaves. Above are my plaids star blocks...a UFO.  Yes, a genuine UFO!!

I made progress, which feels lovely!!

Are you participating in the Quiltville mystery quilt?  I am!  Above are my step two blocks...sweet little four patches.  I love them!

I am quilting Baptist fans into this quilt.  Plaids again...and making great progress.

Step one of the mystery quilt.

And more of those!!

My kitty Lucky is always attentive to help and run off with blocks if he can.  I just adore him and his big ears.  Darling baby!  Look at those pretty eyes!

There are outside cats here, and one especially touches me.  His owner died, a lady on our block, and the family just turned him out on the streets instead of finding him a home. Before I knew about him, he was emaciated to the point of death.  I have been feeding him morning and night, the best high fat and protein diet I could find for cats.  He is now doing so much better!!  Long story, but he is just uncared for...but no more.  I love him, and frankly, he is a darling baby.

I make this quilt into a baby quilt.  Off to the quilters, and then to be gifted to the next baby that comes along at the hospital.

ON we go!!


Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...