I had a chance to work on these 1/2 square triangle blocks. All solid fabrics. They were great fun to sew! More to come, now that I have triangulations and can make them more accurately.
Would anyone like some reproduction fabrics? This bundle was on the free table at guild, and I really would like someone to have it. Just leave a message, and if more than one person is interested, I will draw for it on Tuesday.
Does everyone know about this but me? This stuff is great! It works as a template, like cut out cardboard, but is much thinner and makes a wonderful template to press around for simple shapes. I love it!!!
**********************Nurse's notes*************************
Our friend Angie made it to Cleveland!!! A long journey, but she is tough, and she made it there. A plan is being formulated about what are her next surgical steps for her heart. Your prayers worked!!! Thank you so much for them!!!!!!!!