Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sewing...putting the pedal to the metal!


Hello!!  I recently had some days off...and used this time to work on ufo's.  I finished all the pink kitty blocks that I started a few years ago!  Hurrah!!!  I am trying to be ruthless...finish it or donate each project!

I used my leftover half square triangles to make this small quilt.  Now what?  Leave it small?  Or grown the quilt larger!!!??

I used a couple of leftover yarn bits to make dishcloths.  
I hand sewed the binding on this quilt!

I am making progress on this quilt, too.

On we go, friends!  Hope each of you is doing well.  I got to zoom call with Chooky and the ladies for a few minutes, which made my whole week!!

Cobblestone Bridge Quilts n Things: Happy National Quilt Day from our house to yours

Please click on the blog is Lyn's birthday!  Actually, it was yesterday, because she is in Australia...but please wish her a happy birthday!

Off to work again tomorrow...sigh....



abelian said...

Before you assemble the blocks: two of the kitty tails have an HST turned the wrong way, at the base of their tails! Dot

Joyce Carter said...

Beautiful quilts Julie! What is the name of the last quilt that you showed? I really love it.

Astrid said...

You've been busy Julie! Great way using days off to work on UFOs. Congrats on finishing one quilt. Great progress on the others. Big or small triangles quilt; wall hanging, table topper, or make it grow into a lap or bed quilt? Not sure what I had done... Love all your pretties.

RuthW in MD said...

Oh, what a beautiful star quilt for a baby, either sex!! No matter what color of binding you use! It's so precious!

Little Penpen said...

Girl, you’ve been on a roll! Love that little kitty quilt!!

Rose Marie said...

Great progress on quite a few projects .... you are on a roll!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice progress. Is the star quilt large enough to be a baby quilt? If not, add a border or two.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

I agree with Cheryl, turn the HST star into a baby quilt - it’s adorable. The other projects are amazing and beautiful.

Shepherdess55 said...

Beautiful quilts. Looking forward to seeing them when they're done.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Look at you go!!! All that great progress - and the Kitties. Oh My Gosh!!! ADorable!!!

Kathy said...

From one RN to another-we spend our work time being absolutely accurate and precise. Do NOT change the kitty tails!! Creating beautiful things is a gift and that includes the little imperfections that creep into our quilts when we are relaxing! The quilt is beautiful as it is!! Embrace the experience and your quirky cats! I love it!!

Kyle said...

Awesome progress. You used your day off pushing that pedal.

loulee said...

Goodness, so many lovely things to see today.

Stephanie D said...

Oooh, I love that little pastel star quilt! Don't know if you should grow it or not, because it's difficult to tell what size it is. Maybe if you put something universal alongside it, like a banana, it would be easier to judge. But whatever size it is, I love it just the way it is.

Lori said...

WOW! Look at you go! YOu are really moving the quilts along!

Nann said...

What a great group of works-in-progress! I think the HST stars could grow by a round or two. The pink cats will gladden someone's day.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...