Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Nurse's Notes: A tale!

 So here I go:

The scene:  Driving 70 MPH east on I-20!

It was late in the evening, and we were just concentrating on getting home, having been out for a bit.  Lots of big trucks and semis were all around, hauling their loads.  In front of us, in the left lane,  was a little car, a gray Nissan, passing around the big trucks going down the road in the right lane.  We were just following after this car.  All of the sudden, the driver  hit some loose gravel on the left side of the highway.  I-20 is a huge highway, and traffic is thick and very fast.  The back tires of the little car starting squirreling back and forth, and the driver overcorrected several times, going back and forth wildly, ending up going off the road at full speed, backwards and sideways!!  Very narrowly avoided the semi being passed!  This happened incredibly fast, as we watched in absolute horror.   The little car slammed full speed into the steep ditch between the east bound and west bound lanes of traffic, coming to rest facing the opposite way of traffic.  

We were right behind the car, and slammed on our brakes, trying desperately to avoid the inevitable accident.   We slowed, moved immediately to the right side of the road and stopped, and I barreled out of our vehicle, sprinting back to the car about 1/4 of a mile.  It was terrifying, the big trucks whistling by me at 70-80 MPH, and me needing to cross all the lanes of traffic to see if the driver was injured or alive, or what!  I got across safely, and a UPS driver also stopped, having witnessed the wreck as well.  He called 911, as I ran to the driver.  I was a bit afraid of snakes, being the cool of the evening, and me running along the grass in the median, and the rattlers and other snakes out and about ( I am glad I did not encounter one of these).  It was a weird thought, that while I was running, I thought to myself "don't step on a snake, silly girl!" 

I got to the car, expecting the absolute worst, thinking probably trauma and CPR needed, and a lady, was hanging out of the window...not injured!  Now here is where the miracle comes in.  She slammed into the fence between the east and west bound lanes, and was heading right toward the west bound traffic full of semis...and the fence, made out of small posts and three strands of cable, caught her. Full speed, and this little fence caught her!  In fact, she was pinned in the car, because somehow, a miracle had happened.  One cable was on the right side of her car  at the door, and another cable of the fence was on the left side of her car, at the door.  Stretched about as tight as anything I have ever embrace. The only thing that saved her car from barreling backwards and sideways into the oncoming truck traffic was this little fence.  It was like an embrace, seriously...I touched the cable, and it was a taut as could possible be. The little four foot fence posts held...the cable stood strong on either side of her car, cradling her.  This was a miracle.  I have no idea how the little 1/2 inch cable came to be protecting her on both sides of her car, but really I do...I know she was being protected, somehow.  She said she knew she was going to die and just prayed...and a miracle happened.  

Her care was absolutely battered, and I am sure a total loss.  Tires turned sideways and just awful looking.

No injuries to speak of...seatbelt pain, and a scrap on her left arm.  NOTHING else. She was calling her son when I sprinted up.  Turns out she is a certified nursing assistant in a nursing home, 60 years old...M. S. are her initials.  She had been called into work, where she worked. 

I waited with her until the ambulance and police came, and she had a good cry, and I cried too because no one cries alone in my presence,  and she wanted me to lift her out the window of the little car, but we waited until the ambulance came, so they could assess for any other spinal or neck injuries...there were NONE!  The UPS guy was stellar...he came too, just to try and help.

I am having a little bit of PTSD from this, honestly...grateful that she is OK, sad that it happened, and just a hard time.  I am glad I don't work in trauma nursing...I just could not take it!!!

So that is my tale, and I feel better for the writing of it!

Every moment is a gift, you know? One moment she was passing a truck, the next she was in an awful life-threatening wreck. I have really no idea how a full speed wreck happened with no injuries whatsoever, but I am going to enjoy my moments as gifts to me,  and I hope you do too!!!

Thanks for listening, 



Binsa said...

Aaahhh Julie I am so glad that no one was injured.Such a shock to the system.Hugs

Quilting Babcia said...

Wow, some guardian angels were working overtime last night.

Sherrill said...

Was she driving like a crazy? There are so many on the roads these days. Glad she's OK. We had a similar incident years ago with our son and granddaughter in the car. This idiot was driving like a maniac and had a handicap scooter on the back of his vehicle. He was weaving in and out of traffic and finally came from the far right lane across 4 lanes and hit the
concrete barrier going airborne. I was telling hubby to get to the right lane quick and
this guy's car came back into traffic on our side (I'd thought he was going over the barrier into oncoming traffic) on his top!! So many people were jumping out of their cars so I told hubs to keep going since pretty quick the traffic was going to be a big jam and we'd be stuck for a long time. UGH!

Georgia said...

Bless your nurse's heart, Julie! You and the UPS guy are the good Samaritans that each of us hopes to have nearby in case of an emergency. So glad the lady suffered no serious injuries. Terrifying. . . .

Vicki W said...

Oh my gosh, what a story! She definitely had some divine intervention there and she was fortunate to have you there to help keep her calm.

Ruth said...

That is just amazing!! That fence being there right where she needed it to be! You and the UPS guy ready to help and keep her calm! No other accident occurring! Totally amazing! I love to read your Nurse's tales!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh Julie what an amazing story! Kudos to you for helping. I think we could all use a lesson in savoring every moment and perhaps even slowing down our lives just a bit. Thanks for the lift this morning!

Debby Dodds said...

Bless you - my tears are flowing simply imagining the terror of those moments and appreciating your and the UPS guy's immediate response. With gratitude to all Good Samaritans....

Libby in TN said...

That is exactly what those "little fences" were designed to do. Had it been a steel or concrete barrier, she would have been toast. Glad you were safe and available to help.

Sandy said...

Wow. This story could have ended so many (tragic) ways. I’m goin’ with the miracle!

Loris said...

What a brave and kind thing to do, Julie! I bet you brought extreme comfort and some good sense to that woman and saved her worse trouble. That really was a miracle! Hope you can recover from the episode soon!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Praise the Lord that she is well. Bless you and the UPS driver for coming to the aid of M.S.

Janet O. said...

Definitely an experience with miracles! She couldn't have been in better hands than the Lord's and yours!!

"Bee" said...

Praise the Lord for her miracle and for the fact that you went back to help!! What an awesome story with a great ending.
Bless your sweet heart, Julie!!


---"Love" said...

What an experience! I'm so glad she didn't spin back into your car right behind her! No doubt she really appreciated your helping her and trying to calm her even while you were terrified too! Good girl! ---"Love"

nestki said...

The best part is when you ran toward the wreck instead of towards safety as our instincts tell us to do. I am glad that you stayed safe. It was important that she not be alone. Thank you for showing us the right thing to do.

Stephanie D said...

Oh, my goodness, guardian angels for her AND you were working overtime that evening! I am so glad you are both ok! Thank goodness for Good Samaritans, too!

Robin said...

Tears came to my eyes as I read about your experience. Life is so precious. I'm so glad you were both safe.

Susan said...

That was a miracle, indeed. I saw something similar on I-75 N one time, and couldn't believe there was no injury either. When we still have work to do, there is a saving grace that keeps us here to do it, I think. What a blessing you could be there with her and cry with her! Such a traumatic experience for both of you. Angels are often the every day people around us, and that night, it was your turn and the UPS man's.

Kyle said...

What an amazing story. The driver was very fortunate to have a guardian angel and you!

Lori said...

Whoa! That sounds very intense! But I did laugh out loud when you said you thought about snakes when you were running to render aid.
It sure sounds like a miracle- I believe in them!!
I also believe we need to live life! We can't be fearful because we never know what's in store for us.

Jennie in GA said...

Good for you, being the Good Samaritan. Funny how our instincts kick in at times like that. Funny that you thought of snakes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Sometimes we need a reminder of what faith can do for us.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

We've had a few of those accidents, though not as bad as this one. My husband was a truck driver and always found a way to maneuver the car with no damage or injuries. I always felt it was a miracle.

Glad the incident didn't involve you and the driver of that little car was uninjured.
xx, Carol

Chookyblue...... said...

Omg sure sounds like a miracle...... Thankfully she had you there with her to comfort and reassure.......

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The last few times I've been on I-20, it was way worse than I'd ever seen it (not living in Texas since 1995). We'll be headed to Texas next weekend, but I told hubby that we'll be taking US67 to San Angelo instead of I-20. I'll wave as we go around the south side of DFW.

QuiltGranma said...

I have seen those little fences, and someone surely designed something to really hold (the fence posts) and give (the cables) when impact came! Thank you for sharing! I understand your trauma at witnessing such a thing, and so glad she came out safe! I'm sure your presence there was a blessing to her as she shook from shock and you comforted her.

KaHolly said...

Just 'WOW!', Julie! What a story. I’m so glad everyone was safe . I’ve traveled that highway often and I know how horrific this could have ended up to be. I’m so proud of you. It was well told. I like the part about the snakes. Sounded like a narrative from one of my audio books.

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