Sunday, April 9, 2017

Samplers!! and quilt alongs.

 I have been sewing a few blocks I found on Cheri Payne's blog.  Here is where I am so far.  I find that I just love her outlook and thoughts on life, as well as her quilting!!!  Please see her blog here:

  These are blocks for a quiltalong; the Blockheads.  What a fun name, don't you think??  You can find those patterns here:

I hope everyone is having a great day today!!!



Barb said...

Wonderful blocks!

Tired Teacher said...

Looks like a fun project.

Connie said...

Such great piecing. Very well done!

Pattypiecer said...

I am sewing along with the Blockheads as well, love the blocks so far.
Cute pup... how could you give her a bath,,,,, lol

Sherrill said...

I am resisting starting anything new! I want to finish up this final QOV (I have 2 more that I'll probably finish and send to Alycia in CO later) and then work on a couple of other UFOs before allowing myself to even THINK about something new. :-(

Kyle said...

Both projects are a fun way to try new blocks and color combos. Have fun!

---"Love" said...

I've got the first five Block Heads blocks made. I like all of them, but No. 5 was quite a trip, for me anyway! ---"Love"

Karen said...

There are so many sew-alongs to choose from. Both freebies and those that you have to have a pattern or book. Mind boggling and hard to keep track of.

Janet O. said...

Julie, I have to say, I don't know how you do it! You turn out a steady stream of wonderful scrap projects, while holding down a job that can be very stressful, and caring for you and your hubby. I am always in awe.
I have saved the patterns for Blockheads, but that is as far as it has gone. : )

Lori said...

They are all cute blocks!

Quilter Kathy said...

How did I miss Cheri's quiltalong?!? Too many fun things and not enough hours in the day!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...