Friday, March 31, 2017

A wee bitty finish! (to flimsy status...)

I have been working a ton, so today was the day I could catch up on laundry and sew the border of this quilt.  There are one zillion 1 inch x 2 inch flying geese...I am not exaggerating, LOL! Maybe I am exaggerating a little bit... This one was super fun...four inch star blocks, and sashing made from one inch strips...and that tiny border.   I am using tiny pieces, like my friend Janet, the Rogue quilter...see her tiny quilts below...her blog is a treat!


Hope you are having a lovely day!


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Size wise!!

 So....what would happen if I made a tiny version of the plaid star quilt I just made?  I have been making 4 inch stars for years, and I have a zillion of these made, just waiting to be put into projects. 
So I used 12 of them, then 1 inch strips for the scrappy sashing, and now I am working on the 1 inch  by 2 inch flying geese border.  Great fun, playing in the scraps!!


I guess I am really a quilter now...I have been branded!  This is my inner forearm, and you can make out where I accidentally touched the tip of the iron to my arm.  It really did not hurt much, but I put ice on it stat, which really helped.  It is now more sore than when I did it!!  Yuck...I also have scars on my hands from when I was a kid, from ironing EVERYTHING from sheets to my dad's shirts!!  Did you iron everything when you were a kid, helping your mom??  Who remembers a sprinkle bottle of water or starch??

Have a great day, everyone!!


Monday, March 20, 2017

Final border...and something new!!

 The final border went on this morning.  By the time I measured, pressed, cut, crawled around on the floor and pinned the borders in place before sewing, it takes me over an hour to put on the final plain border.  Yahoo!!!  I just folded the quilt and am showing a quarter of it, only, because it is a big 'un!!  Big thanks to Karen, of the Log Cabin quilter, for letting me copy her quilt!!!  I love hers, and now love this one too!
 Cheri Payne!!  She is a super fun primitive style quilter, and I have been exploring her blog.  She has lots of fun blocks to make!  Please see HERE.    This quilt is not on my list of 17 in 2017 to finish...but that is OK!  These blocks are just fun, fun, fun to there! 
Cheri also is having a quilt along with baskets.  This is my third one...just have things pinned in place, not sewn down yet...just experimenting. 

******************Nurse's Notes****************************

Warning!  not quilting related, at all.

Lots of sick, sick patients at the hospital, but no new surgeries...the surgeons are on Spring break.  One lady we had on our floor for over 6 weeks passed over the weekend.  Please, please...consider what you want done at the end of your life.  CPR?  or no code?  This poor family agonized over what to do, as the patient never stated her wishes.  Please give the gift of peace to your family?? Any thoughts on this??


Have a great day, everyone!!!


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Nearing a finish...

 Just one more border, and it is a flimsy!!  I am putting a tiny outer border, to kind of protect the pieced one.  I have seen lots of antique quilts that are pulled out of shape on the border, so I think this is a good idea...and Karen's quilt had one I am adding it!!
 Scrappy happy!!  The border is my favorite part!!
This was hard to get a picture of...but you get the idea.

Onward!!!  to bed!!

Have a super day,


Monday, March 13, 2017

Home Blessing Monday!!!

 Some fun, simple piecing today; my first day off for a while.  Yahoo!!  These blocks were found on Cheri Payne's blog, HERE.  Super fun, and super scrappy.  Love them!
And a few little pieces, maybe book marks, or parts of mug rugs...just fused and ready for hand stitching. 

I have been working on my 17 in 2017...which now is the flying geese border on my plaid star quilt.  It is fun, but I ran out of cut pieces!  Perish the thought!  So I will cut some more, for my piecing tomorrow.

Have a super day, everyone!!!

Julie K

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Rosie Posie Poodle!!

 The binding game continues! The game is seeing how much I can get bound, in 30 minutes, and do it every night. I finished this binding last night.  The baby it was meant for in the first place will at last have his little quilt!
 I finished this block today.  It is hand applique, and is designed by Cheri Payne.  I just love that she gives the basic basket pattern, and then shapes...and you decide where they go!  Great, great fun!
Here is where I am on the green strings quilt. Please excuse the other blocks scattered about on the floor...the thing that tickled me was Rosie, my poodle!  She was intently watching TV!   Whenever she sees a dog on TV, she barks. She is a never ended source of fun and amusement for me!!!

Have a great day, everyone!!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Working on Number 5!!

 Wow!  This is a real stash busting quilt!!  This quilt is inspired by Karen, of the Log Cabin Quilter.  You can see her quilt HERE!!!  I have been in love with it for years, and have always wanted to make one just like Karen's.  So here is where I am in the process.  Karen graciously said I could make one like hers, and a lots of fabric pieces that Karen gifted me with are in this quilt.
 I had to snap some pictures quickly, because Rosie wanted in on the action, LOL!  Do you have a doggie who helps you quilt, too?
 I have continued to bind 30 minutes at night, and I finished this little bow tie quilt, for some baby, sometime!!
 Lots of girls at work are pregnant, so probably one of those babies will have a new quilt.
 The above block is by Cheri Payne.  She is having a quilt along, and you can find the files HERE for her blocks.   Look under files.   Many of you know that Cheri has been battling cancer, and is undergoing chemo for this, as well as having had extensive surgery.  We are all praying for you, Cheri!!  If you think this block is wonky?  Well, it is!  SNORT!!!  I like it anyway!
 Still making some green blocks!!These are so mindless, and great fun!!
 This is the first iris of Spring, in the back yard!!  I love these carefree lovely things...Jewels in the garden!
Many of you asked about this wool block, and the origin of the pattern.  It can be found HERE.  A free quilt along is always fun!!

Did you know? Randy, of the Barrister's block blog, is started a super fun quilt along too!!  Please see it HERE!!

********************Nurse's Notes****************************

It has been REALLY BUSY at work!  February was like a storm, but unusually,  January was so very slow, patient wise.  March is even busier so far.  Many, many heart surgeries, and many cancer surgeries.  One rotoprone bed (AARDS). 

I have a great love for the families...those walking wounded family members, who come in day by day, supporting their loved ones, some who cannot talk back to them.  Some on the ventilator chronically, with no hope of ever getting off of the vent.  I do my best to support them and love them, with coffee, warm blankets and talking.  I pray for them too!!

All in a nurse's day!


I hope each of you is having a wonderful day!!

Julie K

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...