Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Making some tracks now!!

 I have a thought in my head, still...that, "OH, I am going to hand quilt all these quilts, some day!!"  Folks, it just can't be done...at least not all of them!!  So, I recently sent these to be quilted, and I am tickled as I can be to have them done, at least to this stage!!  These are all destined to go to the hospital, for patients.  A rail fence scrappy...
 A blue one, for a guy.
 Someone must love pink like I do, at least I am hoping so!
 This one!  This came from one scrap bag, and all seems to go together.  I have an orange scrappy binding planned for it.
 And I have been making progress on the Plaids and Plains flying geese...
 Liking them!!
This is my companion for all things...my Rosie.  A stray, she has become so very important to me.  I love her very dearly.

This one is to keep...I love it!  A Jacob's ladder variation.  It was super fun to make!  And to no surprise, I have another one cut out.

Have a great day!!  Thanks for hanging in there. on a lengthy post!!



Tired Teacher said...

Gorgeous quilts! The patients must feel special and loved when they are presented with a quilt. God Bless you.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those will totally be loved!!! The jacobs ladder you are keeping for yourself - to die for! I LOVE your pattern design!!!

Julierose said...

Just the most lovely quilts--I know they will be cherished...hugs, Julierose

Lisa England said...

These look wonderful! Now I'm thinking I really need to make a string quilt!

Janet O. said...

I will never tire of your wonderful scrap creations! Each one is a thing of beauty. You have "scrappy" all figured out.
What lucky patients to have such a caring and generous nurse.
Wow, that Jacob's Ladder variation with the pinwheels is really fun!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

All pretty quilts. I really like the scrappy one that will get the orange binding, and the one you are keeping.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Wow, they're all so nice. They are going to be well loved. Blessings, Gretchen

Leeanne said...

My heart warms when I see your generosity.........love the Jacobs Ladder quilt.

Quiltdivajulie said...

These are beautiful! And I love that you accepted that there are only so many hours and you don't HAVE to ...

Kathleen said...

They are simply fabulous!

els said...

I am totally in love with your flying geese quilt!

Lori said...

Wow! Look at those wonderful quilts! They will surely bring joy to whoever receives them!!

Lilac Joan said...

It seems funny that stray dogs are such good loving pets and yet someone didn't want them. They must be unhappy people and they missed the joy that a stray dog can be!

gayle said...

Such beautiful and happy scrappy quilts! I love them all, but that Jacob's Ladder variation is just extra cool. What a difference that triangle makes!

Sue SA said...

Love the scrappy blue quilt and the Jacobs ladder variation - what a great pop including the pinwheels.

Sherrill said...

MAN, you are CRANKIN'!!! Keep up the great work, your patients will appreciate it for sure!

Kyle said...

What wonderful gifts from your hands to someone's heart. You are on a roll. Awesome!

Me and My Stitches said...

So many pretty quilts! I'm the same as you - have a ton of quilts that I think just need to be hand quilted! But reality is setting in, and slowly I am sending a few out to be machine quilted.

Chantal said...

Such a generous soul you are! Lovely quilts to be given. I hope they do appreciate all the work and love that went into those quilts. Bless you! Love the Jacob's Ladder variation. It is gorgeous, as are the others too. Enjoy! ;^)

Nana said...

All quilts are beautiful, but the Jacob's Ladder variation is definitely my favorite.

Randy D. said...

What wonderful quilts you have made to donate! So very impressive!
and your darling Rosie is precious!!!
Do you need any extra scraps, by the way?? I'd be more than happy to donate!!

Quilter Kathy said...

I know exactly how you feel about the quilting! I wish my life would be long enough to hand quilt all my favourites,
but it's just not going to be enough years. All of these treasures are gorgeous quilts!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...