Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A perfect storm

Here is my progress on the crumb plaid string X quilt, "Narrow Gauge through the Rockies". Little pieces of plaids comprise this quilt, and it was just a blast to piece!!  I was inspired by several of you, but the biggest influence was Regan!  Please click on her name to see her blog, and her quilt is from her April 16th post.  It is phenomenal!! Love her cheddar!!  She has had some terrible news this week, so a caring note from everyone would be wonderful.
And so far, this is what I have.  I am rethinking the piano key border  because it does not continue the diagonal feel of the quilt.  Hmmm...I will dream on it!!  Please...what do you think about a border??
And another little one...I have made two of these quilts so far!  Three inch blocks...wheeeee!!!!

*******************Nurse's Notes***********************

Down the back hall at work is a wide sunny space.  I love to walk there in the morning, and stand with my eyes closed, just for a minute, in the sun.  It is wonderful!  I catch wiffs of patient flowers here, sometimes...I really like this big wide quiet hall at the hospital.  But then!!


The patient comes from a procedure, doing OK  not great...not good blood pressure.  Then I noticed her distended neck veins.   Blood pressure continued to drop minute by minute.  I listened to heart sounds...very muffled.  She was in Cardiac tamponade!! Now here is the amazing thing...I just took a class on this, two weeks ago, in a CCRN review, and was able to recognize what was up immediately.  ( A God thing!)   Now this is where the perfect storm comes in....

Pharmacy...mixed my emergency drugs so fast and shot them up to me in perfect, fast!!
Echo...the tech was right on the spot and did the cardiac echo, confirming that the patient had blood around her heart, constricting her heart beating!
Nurse Practitioner...was right there ordering things left and right for me!
The Doctor...was right on the spot too and quickly went to work!
The cath lab team...moved another stable patient and got my patient down to cath lab right that very minute!
The nurses and staff...hung drips and IV's, monitored,  helped get her to the cath lab, pushing at a run down the hall!

By the time we got her to cath lab, she had no discernible blood pressure at all.  The end of the storm?   By needle aspiration, 500 cc of blood was removed from around the heart of this patient, trapped in the pericardial sack.  Results?  Blood pressure, and heart tones all back to normal!  A save!!!!!

So the teamwork was the perfect storm...a good one!!  Instead of a death...we have a life.  The lady will go home this week.




Potpourri said...

lucky lady,her stars were definitely in alignment.
I wonder if a braided border, with small braids might be pleasing. I love the look of the blocks. Does it even need a border?

Janet said...


Marlene said...

Maybe a thin black inner border first, then see how the piano keys look. Great looking quilt.

Cindy F said...

Definitely a God thing! What a wonderful story!

I was thinking the same as Marlene, a thin black border first and then the piano keys. I love the keys. The quilt is reminiscent of another of Evelyn Sloppy's quilts. Can't wait to see how it looks all finished!

Love the teeny tiny quilt too!

Mary said...

Hurray! You are my hero! God was certainly hoovering close, and I'm glad she was your patient!

Love the quilts! I think if you framed your piano keys in black,it would be perfect!(:O ) Like I'm an expert or something!

Mary said...

OOPS! Didn't read the comments, someone already suggested that!

Missy Shay said...

How about a small border of that black you used in the miniature and then the piano keyboard around that?

Nancy said...

Yea, for the teamwork at your hospital - that woman had several guardian angels that day!

Narrow gauge is looking superb - I agree that the piano key border doesn't do much for it. You'll get an idea soon.

Unknown said...

Looking at it I actually like the piano keys, but think that it would look even better with a narrow black border on each side of the keys, and give it some separation. :-) Going to tuck this quilt idea away somewhere!

Vic in NH said...

Your perfect storm was captivating to read; what a miracle!
As for the quilt, I favor setting the center apart from the piano keys by adding in a 2 1/2" white background inner border and then the darkness of the piano keys will give a nice finish to the eye.

Vicki said...

What a great intervention, Julie! So proud of you and the entire team! What a miracle!

sue said...

Reading your story on the Perfect Storm gave me shivers. Thank you ! Even though I don't know the patient, I can just imagine it being someone I know. How wonderful, if that's the right word, that you knew what to do.
I love all the plaid strip piecing quilts you've been making. This latest one really inspires me.

Janet O. said...

That was such a story--I forgot about the quilts and had to go look again.
My first impression of the X quilt was also "black border," keeping the focus on that very cool center.
Of course I love the mini!!

Barb said...

Love this crumb quilt....

Kyle said...

Your nurses notes today were a miracle story. That's the kind if news stories I like to hear about. Thanks as always for sharing.

Quilter Kathy said...

I do not know how you do that job! I was scared and put my blood pressure up just reading about it! LOL
About the plaid quilt...I vote for no border and a black binding.

Deb said...

excitment in piecing and in healthcare all in one great post! awesome save on both parts!

Leeanne said...

Oh nice big open areas for some pretty quilting!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Good news, you had me on pins and needles! She was in the right place at the right time. Love your sprappy X quilt, I might leave off the PK border though; it's wonderful!

Lynn Dykstra said...

No borders!

Lynn Dykstra said...

and happy nurses week!
(come to think of it, I haven't had a raise in 5 years--that would be a good way for them to show their appreciation of me!)

Vicki W said...

Wow, what a story!

regan said...

Your patients are so lucky to have you, and your whole team, caring for them! That was incredible!

And you are so sweet to say that my quilt was any influence to your beautiful work! I'm in love with your blocks....that black strip is fantastic framing those pieces! Totally gorgeous! And I love the border you are doing, and agree with the other comments that maybe that black strip around the border would be awesome! But I know whatever you choose will look amazing! YOU are my inspiration so often....I just love everything you do! :o) And that mini is the cutest dang thing! :o)

Big hugs!

paulette said...

YOU were meant to cross her path that day!! Well done!!
Love the quilts...all of them!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness I got chills reading your code situation with the tamponade.....Good job seeing all the signs. What was the cause?

Thank heavens you have your quilting to decompress after a stressful day like that :0).

Happy Sewing

Lori said...

Oh my gosh! I got goosebumps reading about the miracle!

Love your string quilts btw..:)

Karen said...

I like the black strips that outline your string sections. Gives it a very defined look.

Just Ducky said...

What a scary experience. I have a feeling you are a very good nurse.

About the quilt - I would put a narrow solid inner border between the quilt and the piano key border.

mkhquilts said...

WOW! Congrats on the saved a life!!!You had a greatteam and acted so quickly! It was a great day to be a nurse!!!
Love your quilts too. I like the idea of a thin black border, then see how the piano keys look!

Lois Arnold said...

It's a long commute, but I definitely want you to be my nurse if I am every in the hospital! Love hearing about miracles!

Also LOVE the quilts. I vote for the narrow black border to separate the piano key border as so many mentioned. It is spectacular!

Joyce said...

God Bless You Julie!! What an incredible role model you are! I sure hope the patient's family realizes that because of you they still have their family member!
Love Ya!!!!

Merilyn said...

What a great outcome for that patient, it definitely was not her time!!! You all must have been very relieved at the result...
Not sure what to suggest for your String X quilt top border... because there is so much going on in the quilt top itself maybe something a little quieter....
look forward to seeing what you you come up with!!!!

LuAnn said...

I just love those blocks. I have been collecting to do the quilt in your header. I keep opening my book to drool. what about a black inner border on the quilt, then the piano keys with a black binding? Either way your blocks are wonderful!

Ali Honey said...

Well done yet again! I want you on my case if I am ever very sick, Please.

The Quilt looks great. I would just bind it in black with no borders.

Vesuviusmama said...

That "nurse's notes" story gave me goosebumps! Yay for a save!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...