Friday, February 8, 2013

A question...

HI everyone...

What is a low volume quilt that everyone is talking about?  It means to me that you use low loft batting!  but that is not right, is it?  so...what IS IT!!?

Thank you!!



Andra Gayle said...

fabrics that are soft colors-low volume colors & values

Monica said...

Low volume refers to whites, creams, lights greys, and pale pastels.

Vicki W said...

Low contrast neutrals which, in my opinion, means a lot of work for little payoff.

The Calico Cat said...

Some people call it shabby chic or blended. The value is light for the whole quilt.
think of mixing, white cream, light gray, with black on white, toile, light value prints.

Leeanne said...

First I have heard of it?

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Little contrast, pale neutrals? That is what I always thought they meant anyway. :-) Have a happy weekend!

Libby said...

Had to come read the comments as I've never heard this term before.

regan said...

I hadn't heard this term before, either, but have seen a several out there lately. Rachael at Blue Mountain Daisy blog has a fabulous one she's calling Dollop of Cream. Here's the link.....

AnnieO said...

As above, it is a low contrast colorway. Can't say I'm a big fan of low contrast for a WHOLE quilt, but sometimes lower contrast blocks can be interesting and draw you in for a closer look. They don't have to be neutrals to be low contrast!

Coloradolady said...

I was in a swap this past fall, low volume fabrics, I think it was on flicker. I have a stack of 5 inch squares, but have not made anything yet, the final result is really pretty using low volume fabrics.

Lori said...

Low volume= boring palette.... LOL

Janet O. said...

I guess the term "neutral quilt" wasn't good enough? : )
I'd never heard of "low volume" before.

Smiley Quilter said...

That was a great question, I had never heard of 'low volume' before so I had to google it. Looks like all white backgrounds with small all over prints of all the same value.
As mentioned above not sure I would do a whole quilt although the ones I saw online tonite were pretty. It reminds me of my neutral string blocks for Bonnie Hunter's RRCB as I used similar creams & beiges with all kinds of prints. As an alternate block it was great.

Shari said...

Google images for 'low volume quilts' - it's an interesting collection. I could totally make one of these quiet little numbers from my stash.

Kaaren said...

Never heard of it. See, we do learn something new every day. *wink*

Cindy said...

Guess I learned something today.

Sarah said...

Low volume seems to be the "in" term for low contrast neutrals. I guess because the colours aren't "loud". Some of the scrappy trip alongs I've seen recently were so loud & gaudy they hurt my eyed.

Sarah said...

Low volume seems to be the "in" term for low contrast neutrals. I guess because the colours aren't "loud". Some of the scrappy trip alongs I've seen recently were so loud & gaudy they hurt my eyed.

Sarah said...

Low volume seems to be the "in" term for low contrast neutrals. I guess because the colours aren't "loud". Some of the scrappy trip alongs I've seen recently were so loud & gaudy they hurt my eyed.

Loris said...

I hadn't heard of it either. Now we know :-)

Tspoon said...

I googled it also and I came up with a reference to Amanda & Cheryl's book, "Sunday Morning Quilts." The blog writer was saying she had never heard of it either until she was invited by these women to make one.

So, does this mean they created the term? If anyone has access to this quilt book maybe they could let the rest of us old fashioned people know.

Me, I love color to much to waste my time hand quilting something boring. :-)

Rachaeldaisy said...

Its a funny thing, I had a pile of fabrics in creams and whites and bits of black that I made into a quilt and then along came Low Volume quilts and now my quilt gets called Low Volume. I just thought it would be fun to play with neutrals seeing as I mostly use bright strong colours. As for Low Voloume quilts being boring I think it really depends on the quilt and the eye of the beholder. Also I know my cream quilt is very hard to photograph so maybe these quilts don't show up as well on the internet.
Here's a link to a fabulous Low Volume quilt mixed with some colour by Audrey at Quilty Folk.

Nicky said...

Ooh I do love low volume as a background to some eye popping colour! Like these blocks

Once upon a time it was just called background but who cares what it is called when it is lovely!

Helen in the UK said...

I hadn't heard of the term until doing a Craftsy course recently. The course tutor (Elizabeth Hartman) described it as "Low Volume is just another way of describing a quieter composition that prominently features neutrals like white, light grays, pastels, and taupes with brighter colors used in moderation or not at all. The fabrics that are used are mostly light in value" I've just finished my version: although I added a 'hit' of orange/brown to give it more drama. HTH :)

Karen said...

I read that term recently and did not know what was meant by it either. A new term "coined".

Barb said...

low volume, tans, low contrast.
not my thing, but I like looking at them.

Kim said...

I'm with Barb, not my thing but my girlfriend ,Debby Brown, makes them for wedding gifts then does her magical machine quilting on them and brings them up to heirloom quality. Stunning.

As for me I like lots of color and drama and that scrappy look too.

Happy Sewing,

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