Monday, December 26, 2011

Thank you, and Orca bay progress!

HI Y'all....Above and below is my progress on Orca Bay, Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt. You can join in! It is not too late...and it is great fun! I love these little stars, they are Step 6, I think...and I still need to catch up on the red string step too. I love strings, it is great fun to work with these little pieces!

The black and white stars together...I did not have many blacks (like three total), in my fabrics, so I had to purchase a few fat quarters. Not tons of variety, but I like the blocks anyway!

*********************Thank you*************************

You sustained me. Thank you for that. I so appreciate each prayer and good thought that helped me through this incredibly tough family time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!




Christine M said...

Your quilt's looking great!

Pat said...

Your quilt is progressing very it so far! THANKS for the Christmas card. That was very nice of you to think of me! I hope 2012 is a good year for you and your loved ones.

Leeanne said...

Wow I like how you have set your blocks.

Janet O. said...

Very unique layout. I like it.
You continue to be in my prayers.

Lisa said...

I really hate to be the bearer of bad news especially since the blocks look like they are sewn so nicely; but I think you need to know that you have your quarter square triangle blocks turned the wrong way on your black background Ohio stars. The star tips are supposed to be white not black. They look interesting the way you have them and would love to see a quilt with those blocks but unfortunately you loose the star with your placement of the QST. I admire how you are keeping up with the steps as they are posted I wish I could keep up!!! I am still making red string triangles.

Loris said...

So good to know you have been comforted. God is so good and He knows us so well.
Your blocks are looking wonderful! What progress!

Amy said...

Looking sharp! Great choice in fabrics

Quilter Kathy said...

Love how you made your black star blocks with a different your quilt a whole new look. Very cool!

Helen in the UK said...

I see Lisa has already spotted it ... the star points! I thought you'd combined a completely different block with the light Ohio stars at first. You could keep them like this for a totally unique quilt! They do look stunning :)

Shari said...

Bonnie is certainly taking this quilt somewhere very interesting!

Hope your situation continues to improve. I'm sure you face it with strength and courage and I will continue to pray for you and your family!

Nicky said...

Yes it certainly look like an interesting journey you are on! Hope you arrive safely (grin)!

Lorraine said...

love the quilt......hope all is well with your family situation....thinking of you!

Libby said...

Looks Great! still praying!

The Calico Cat said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better.

If I knew that you needed blacks, I could have shipped some your way... I have a lot of them & only really have plans for the lighter black on whites...

Miriam said...

Love your colour and fabric combination.

More prayers coming your way.

domi said...

superbe, il rend tres bien avec ces coloris, il me tarde de le voir terminé..
encore bravo

*karendianne. said...

I dig the colors and the effect!!!

Darlene said...

Beautiful quilt, Julie.

I've been thinking hard about you and yours the past few days. I hope things are much better. Bunches of (hugs) for you.

Yankee Valley Stitcher said...

Hey there, great to see you back :) You were missed. Your quilt is looking fantastic! I hope to get working on mine today. I haven't had a chance to even look in my sewing room since Christmas..

AnnieO said...

Hope everyone is okay--don't know what happened--but thinking of you and yours still! Wishing you the best of New Year's.

Jan said...

Still sending gentle hugs and prayers. Like the way your quilt is going!

Barb said...

I love the black, white, and reds together.

Sheila said...

Oh I really like this quilt so far,can't wait to see the next step.

Debi said...

Beautiful quilt Julie, love how the red stands out. So glad things are getting better, will keep you in my prayers.

Lori said...

Your mystery is turning out fantastic!!

KaHolly said...

Wow, Julie! It's gorgeous!

Merilyn said...

I can't believe the progress you have made with this project, well done!!! I wish you and your family well for 2012!!!

A Garden of Threads said...

Glad all is well with your family. Take care, Jen.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...