Monday, November 15, 2010

Autumnal happenings

HI Y'all! I have been working on how to put the Soot and Ashes quilt together...and here is what I came up with so far. I think the yellow is like the Aspen leaves of my youth in Colorado...I love that golden yellow color of fall. I am going to put a flying geese border around the whole thing...the geese flying south in the fall for warmer climes. Symbology! I think we use it a lot in our quilts.
I am giving away this book...I love the quilt...but I will never do it, and I think someone may be able to use it now! So if you are interested, please leave a comment on your best housecleaning tip for me!! Hee...making you work for a chance...thank you in advance for your best tip!
I also went through all the patterns I had and this is about 1/2 of them...I am giving them away too. Same thing applies as above, just leave me your tip!I just need to downsize a little bit...things that will be useful to others, I really need to pass on. I am cleaning for the holidays...are you? One pattern was a gift, that one I kept, so I am passing on the other one. This is a quick giveaway...I am choosing a winner tomorrow at 3 PM, by random drawing.

Have a wonderful day!



Lisa said...

My best housecleaning tip is using vinegar. I use vinegar in the laundry to cut odors, and down the kitchen drains, also to prevent odors.
Vinegar has so many uses, I keep a huge jug of it around at all time.

Deb said...

I'd love a change to win the book! Applique is what I want to get into this year!! Best housekeeping tip - that's a good one - hmmmm - seeing that I like to sew and craft more than I like to clean house I'd say that Swifters make short work of dusting and then there is always the obvious - clean up as you go. Oh, and Mrs. Meyers Cleaning Products - the scents are heavenly and work really well.

One Second Needle said...

Thanks for the post displaying your autumnal quilt. I think the geese on the border is an excellent idea! Good luck with the giveaway!

Becky said...

My very best housecleaning tip is to have the cleaning fairy, Renee come to my house once a month. At least everything gets done at one point:) On a more serious note, I always make our bed, even if I'm about to crawl back in. Really like your Soot and Ashes quilt. Is that the name of it?

Anonymous said...

Baking soda is what I often use. It is great for getting marks off doors and walls, getting rid of soap scrum, getting stains off Corning Ware and cleaning sinks.

I would a chance to win the book or patterns. Thanks for the great give away.

Nancy E

Sharon said...

Love your Soots and Ashes quilt! My housecleaning tip...what is housework????? I LOVE my Swifer for dusting and sweeping and mopping...makes life so much easier!

Linda said...

Swiffer, Swiffer, Swiffer. I don't think I can say Swiffer dry cloths enough! They are my best friend! Use them to dust EVERYTHING! Picture frames, blinds, ceiling fan blades (they are the worst), front of TV and floors. No chemicals needed! I use Swiffer dry cloths on the mop every day to pick hair up after I get ready in the bathroom in the morning. That way my hair doesn't track through the house. My second fave place to use them is on the kitchen floor under the cabinets. It's a complete dust trap there! Do you think I like Swiffer's much??!!

Linda said...

Oh I forgot to mention I love your quilt. Flying geese will compliment it perfectly!

shannon said...

my housekeeping tip- i make the hubby do's too short and i have way too many quilts that need to be made to waste time cleaning.

*fingers crossed for the book*


Marilyn W said...

My best housekeeping tip would probably be merry maids! Sorry! It's what works for me, thought I DO LOVE my spotbot for the carpet.

Thanks for the chance to win awesome prizes.

Aunt 'Reen said...

Your Soot & Ashes quilt top is Wonderful! I really like the sashing you've created for it and the geese border sounds perfect!

Housekeeping tip: On cleaning day I cart a laundry basket from room to room. Anything that doesn't belong gets tossed in the basket for a quick clean up.
I'll typical sort thru the basket later that evening while watching TV.

Oh...and my motto has always been "When in doubt - Throw it out" ;D


Terri in BC said...

Beautiful quilt. My best housecleaning tip is to keep a set of cleansers in each bathroom and the kitchen so you're not running all over the place when you have a few minutes. I just grab what I need from the closest bathroom and off I go!
Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Tania said...

Hi there, not sure if I am in time for the drawing, but in any case, my best cleaning tip is to keep a scourer in my shower, and every day I do a little bit before I step out. Keeps the glass and tiles clean and sparkling with such a little effort!

Jen said...

I agree with Aunt Reen! I'm a tosser! That's the easiest way to keep your house clean! Cuts down on the clutter and the stress. Also, everything has a home and everyone knows where that home is. If I start tearing around the house muttering about "homes," my husband knows he better start picking things up! Thanks for the giveaway!

PatchworkRose said...

My best cleaning tip. The plastic lids on milk bottles or even cleaning bottles carefully washed make great scrubbers for dirty saucepans and frypans. Does not clog you sponge and is environment friendly. Have the book but there are a few patterns there that look rather delicious. Namely the Civil war legacies :-) I am a great fan of bicarb soda and vinegar

KaHolly said...

Oh, my goodness, would you look at that quilt! It's beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished product! My cleaning tip? Using the little square plastic bread wrapper holder-to-getherers to scrape dishes in the sink. ~karen

Sharon said...

I won't get to making any quilts from that book but is sure looks good. I see lots of people like swiffers. I keep my batting scraps and use them on my swiffer. then I have no guilt when I toss the batting away. I use both sides of it too. Good luck with your giveaway, that's the best way to keep a clean house, don't have clutter.

Janice said...

My best housecleaning tip is to get a timer and set it for 15 minutes at a time. I am a Flylady follower. It taught me to get rid of clutter and keep only those things I love in my house.

Jenni said... best housekeeping tip? Make the kids do it. lol Seriously, I have them do a sweep of the house and collect all their junk before I sweep. So much faster and it's amazing how much of their stuff accumulates in one day.

Love the quilt and flying geese borders always look awesome!

Joanne said...

Great give away!
My best house cleaning tip is to use micro fiber clothes. I use them for dusting and wiping, they are great for glass - no lint. The best thing is that you don't need chemicals.
Thanks for the chance!

sue said...

My best cleaning tip is to clean the room going around it like the clock (start at 12:00, then 1:00, etc.). It doesn't sound real important, but sometimes I walk into a room and just think "where do I start?" and want to scream or quit. Then I remember start at 12:00 and go on and then I calm down.

Annette said...

The cleaning tip that works best for me is organizing my cleaning supplies. Easy access means I'll use them. I also play little motivational games with racing against the clock. The same trick I used to get my kids to finish their jobs also work on me. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie

I would love that book. My best house keeping tip. Keep a window squeegee in the bathroom. A small one. Then ask everyone in the family to squeegee the glass of the shower after it is used. It will help make the glass easier to keep clean.

I liked the autumn feel of the new quilt.

Crystal Karley

Anna said...

always have a clean kitchen sink...actually that is the flylady's tip....housecleaning is not my strongpoint :-}
thanks for a chance to win

Jo said...

I LOVE your Soot and Ashes! I would LOVE if you would post the directions, measurements for you blocks. I made all the blocks and knew I didn't want to finish like the original pattern....yours, I like. Also just to let you know, you inspired me to get my crab apples out. I did the paper piecing today and am sewing the blocks together....
Oh my housecleaning tip...ignore it. Actually, I use leftover batting pieces in my swiffer.

Lesly said...

Oh I just found your blog and have been admiring your gorgeous quilts! And what a generous giveaway you are hosting! I guess my best housekeeping tip has to do with putting vinegar in the laundry rinse cycle to eliminate mineral deposits left on the clothes - cheap and works like a charm!

Brigitte said...

That applique book has been on my list to buy for a while now. I hope I win it. My tip is:- when making supper and peeling carrots,potatoes or any other prep work that will leave a mess I have a pie plate in front of me to catch everything that will be discarded.When finished toss it all away in one motion and no spills etc to clean up.

Amy said...

Julie, I love the colors in your Soot and Ashes quilt. Good luck with the cleaning and downsizing.

Sharon said...

I share your preference for sewing over housecleaning. I make a bargain with myself that I can go back to my quilting project as soon as I complete whatever cleaning task is pending. It works for me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julie again

I thought of another house cleaning tip for you. I am a tea drinker and my stainless sink can get stained from tea and tea bags. Other stuff as well. I hate scrubbing the sink and the drain and drain stopper. I found a way to clean the sink easily. What I do now is dampen the sink and then sprinkle dishwasher powder dish soap on the damp sink. Use a J-cloth to wipe and clean the sink. Works like a charm.

Penny said...

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance ;D Sometimes, my swiffer and Black & Decker Dustbuster comes along to help too :)
You are most welcome to de-stash your wonderful stuffs my way! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jill said...

My best housecleaning tip would be to teach your husband and children how to help out. As the kids have gotten older they are really stepping up to help with the housework. (The husband still needs some more training.) I would love a chance to win the patterns. Thanks.

Loris said...

Love your Soots & Ashes. The colors and block arrangement are wonderful! Lovely work!
Now as to housekeeping...1. have someone else do it :-) 2. keep cleaning stuff in the bathroom so I'm more likely to just do it. 3. the swiffer, as mentioned, is quite useful. 4. I have also liked my feather duster for quick it from the Fly lady site. Thanks for the chance to win the book or etc. Happy Housekeeping!

scottylover said...

Love your layout! The gold int he sashing just pops. The geese in the border sound neat too.

Cleaning...well...I leave that up to Hubby! :) The one thing I do is make sure the cleaning supplies for a particular area are near that area...Bathroom cleaners are in the bathroom closet, kitchen cleaners in the kitchen, etc.

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A

Karen said...

I already have the Carrie Hall book but some of the patterns look very interesting.

Here is my housekeeping tip and it works for me. Have your husband do it while you stitch and play. I have a bad back and am unable to do some of the housekeeping. My husband quite willingly does it for me.

Barb said...

One thing that my mother taught me was to always make the bed the minute you get out of it. You never have to come back to it unmade. also...she always cleaned the bathroom when taking a shower at night, we never had a dirty bathroom.

A Garden of Threads said...

Hi Julie, I do not have any best housecleaning tips for you, but I wanted to tell you how much I love your quilt. The flying geese will be perfect for it. Take care.

TheresaW said...

Cleaning tip? Start first thing in the morning, keep at it until you are done and then reward yourself with no-guilt quilting for the rest of the day.

May Britt said...

My best housecoleaning tip against dustbunnies is a carrot. You tie a thread in the carrot, throw it under the sofa and pull it back and out of the house and the dustbunnies will follow. Why.....because bunnies loves carrots :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, I would love a chance to win one of your lovely patterns....hmmm my best cleaning tip is....on tiled floors...I use methylated spirits in very hot water...also put the metho in a spray bottle and use this to clean the bathroom mirrors/tiles and the glass shower screen and well for me...hugs lyn

Carol said...

Julie I absolutely love your Soot and Ashes! LOVE it!

kt said...

Love the fall quilt! I'm not much at cleaning, but I love baking soda for cleaning--gets stains off the counters, soap scum off sinks and showers, grease off everything.

Angie said...

Girl, I have ONE QUESTION for you, HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU DO ALL THAT YOU DO? Can you send me some of whatever it is that you're on????? ROFL

Emma said...

In response to Lisa, vinegar also works at unclogging showerheads that are clogged from hard water. Why pay tons of money for products to do the same thing when all you need to do is soak the showerhead in a bowl of vinegar for an hour? Works like a charm! It also works great as a window/mirror cleaner - always streak free!

As for the book, I'm not sure if I'm up to the applique as I've never done it before, but I wanted to contribute my two cents.

Lori said...

I adore your version of the Soot and Ashes quilt!! Nice job!
I have a stack of patterns in my room I am culling too. Plase do not enter me in the drawing. Looks like some good loot though.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

My best housecleaning tip is to ignore it all. Better yet, hire someone to clean for you. More time to sew and quilt that way. LOL!! Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway!

House of Mouse said...

Your quilt as usual is stunning...cant wait to see it with the border.

My best housekeeping tip is a new one for me....if I haven't used it in the last 2 years, I won't use it in the next 2 it is gone...fabric being the exception of course!

Denise in PA said...

The quilt is great - I love the colors - the yellow really makes the quilt glow! I love a Magic Eraser - cleans so many things! I always keep them around. Thanks so much for the giveaways and I love reading all the tips!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic giveaway here Julie! You want a best house keeping tip huh? Rather than buy Swiffers for dusting...use scraps of batting! Works like a charm!! I have wood floors and will put the batting under the dust mop head to quickly collect dust particles easily from under beds, stairs etc.

Jocelyn said...

Love your quilt. The sashing pieces are very nice. I think the best housecleaning tip I have is to work on it 15 minutes every day. Aside from general pick up, it is not so overwhelming. Your patterns look awesome!

Michelle said...

Recently I bought 2 small plastic laundry baskets for the kids rooms, they are learning to do their own washing!!! I get the kids to help with jobs around the house too, I am sure I don't make all that mess on my own;oD I like to keep a roster system for myself, choose a day each week to do a specific task. My last tip would have to be declutter once a week(if needed) sew I don't mind helping, hope I have some goodies heading my way, LOL

Diane said...

My best housecleaning tip is to clean one room each night after work. Otherwise, I spend all Saturday cleaning and never have time for sewing! I would love to win your patterns.

Christine M said...

My best house cleaning tip is pay someone else to do it! ha ha Unfortunately I can't do that. Your soot and ashes quilt looks fantastic.

Heartsdesire said...

Swifer for sure. I have one for dusting - does a great job with the extendable handle - and one for the floors. Especially great for keeping the kitchen floor clean. I don't think I would want to be without them. Also a cleaning service comes in handy at the holidays.

Deb said...

OMG what a great idea I can learn from others on good housekeeping tips cause I can only think of one right now cause all I can think of is that wonderful Carrie hall book....I have been drooling for that book this is the only tip I know it is because I used to do this with my mother
Wash your windows with vinegar and water and wipe with newspaper not to get streaks. I sure hope this is a good one for you...

Gayle said...

I spray a product called Clean Shower on the walls of my tiled shower every single day so mold won't take hold - it really does help and has cut my grout scrubbing time down to a fraction of what it used to be.

Betsy said...

Julie, did I miss your giveaway?
if not, please include me.

Libby said...

Your Soot and Ashes looks great - I love the design choices you made to make it your very own. I hope you let Cheri know what you've done!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...