Friday, October 15, 2010


The family that lived in our home before us left behind a large washtub, so I plant something in the tub each spring. This year, I planted coleus...and it has now really gotten big! I usually trim it back, but with the first frost it will be gone, so I am just kind of letting it go...pretty!
Here is a fall time treat for our back yard, these lovely flowers are still hanging on! My husband trimmed them back pretty severely, and that seemed to really help them. It was fun to go out and discover their lovely blooms!
Close up...

*******************************and the excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so delighted and grateful that all the miners were pulled out OK, from the earth, in happy for their families!!!

And, I heard from a couple people that they got their nine patches~! I am so happy about!

And the winner of the Fall into Fall giveaway! by random Amelia! Please send me your address and I will send you your gift!

I am off to work, now....



Pat said...

Congrats to your winner. I was watching the miner rescue as much as possible and crying my eyes out!!! Question about that vine....are the flowers tiny? (Can't tell in the photo.) We had a vine that was just going wild...nothing we planted...and we kept pulling it out this year as it wrapped around some plants I DID plant and killed them off.

Kristie said...

Congrats to Amelia!!! Your flowers are beautiful! It's hard to believe that Fall is already here. It is cool here this morning, I was chilled so Richard built a fire in the fireplace for me.

Amelia said...

I won - yea!

The flowers are so pretty...amazing the annuals have been around since mid April and still looking so pretty.

Cheryl said...

Clematis is my favorite flower. Thank you for sharing a picture. I cannot grow it, so I truly appreciate it. Congratulations to the winner and don't work too hard.

Libby said...

Love the garden pics. We are at the end of the season here, too . . . won't be long before there's nothing but bare branches.
My 9 patches arrived yesterday - love them!

Nancy said...

Have you ever taken a cutting of your coleus for a winter house plant? They add such color to a winter home. It doesn't take long for the cutting to develop roots in a glass of water, then plant in some rich potting soil.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Congratulations to Amelia!! Thank you for sharing your flower pictures!

Aliene said...

Congats to your winner, Amelia.
Love the picture of the little flowers hanging on. We have several we can plant in the winter here in the south. Pansies is our favorite. they are so colorful.

AnnieO said...

I'm jealous that some got their nine patches already! Can't wait till they get here...

Coleus are so cheerful and bright, I love them. I should plant some now as we rarely get frost. The clematis is gorgeous.

Congrats to Amelia!

A Garden of Threads said...

Congrats to Amelia. You should cut back the vine every spring, it is a clematis and they usually bloom on new growth. Take care:)

Lee Prairie Designs said...

Pretty flowers and plants your photos are wonderful!

Thanks for sharing. Congratulations to the winner!

My 3 inch patches arrived today! I posted a special "Thank you" for all of your wonderful organization of bring this fun exchange together.

Carolyn :)

pecasatwo said...

Julie - Got my blocks - they are lovely - thank you so much again - to everyone who participated - please show us your quilts when they are done!!!

Debi said...

The flowers are beautiful..I hope you don't have to work too hard tonight.

AnnieO said...

Update: Got mine today! See my drool all over my blogpost :) Thanks again all you wonderful ladies who played along.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Amelia!

I love the purple flower in your back yard, how nice it is hanging on! Very inspirational. I have silk ribbon that color. Gorgeous!

Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway Julie:)

Ann Flowers

Loris said...

Lovely garden photos!
Amazing and wonderful end to such a horrifying story for those miners. I hope help is on the way for the ones in China.
And I'm praying and eager to hear how your Tuesday news goes. I have a feeling it will be as you hope :-)

Elyte said...

That was a good news post. It left me happy and positive. Rescued miners, a lovely garden and the winning Amelia! And 9 patches on the way! All is good.

Barb said...

Your flowers are just beautiful. I love that Irish Chain below.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Congrats to your winner. I love the huge Coleus and your Clematis is gorgeous, too. YAY for the rescue in Chile!

Jill said...

My 9-patches arrived safe and I love them. Thanks for all your time. I can wait to put them together in a quilt.

Amy said...

Please visit my blog to see my first (almost) flimsy using the nine-patches. It still needs borders, but I already love the way it looks!

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...