Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The end of the holiday for me

Hi all! Exciting times at my house...Darcie sent back quilts, quilting and ready for binding! I will show pictures next time of these, but may I just say....Quilting by Darcie, Autumn's child is the best ever. I just love my quilts when I get them back! I just need to get busy on the binding. Above are my blocks; my Judy Laquidara's current bright beautiful quilt. I have no idea why, but each and every block is so crooked and wonky. I am going to hand quilt this one...have to! To work out all those little crooked parts. :) Wish I were a perfect piecer, but it is just not to be...and I am OK with that!! The lovely pattern that Judy came up with will make up for it.

See these pretty felted bowls? Darcie made them, by hand, and I was the lucky recipient of them. Perfect for earrings on the bed side table, and a million other uses. I just love them, the texture and look are wonderful. Thank you again, Darcie!

A close-up detail of one of the bowls.
I have been thinking of where I want my quilting journey to head. I really think that although I just love quilts and want to keep them all, or give to family, that I would like to reach out to others and be of service and help to those who may need it. Sooooo, I will be working on what I call service quilts, either to raffle for worthy causes, or donate to people who need them. And, I really want to sell some of my little hand quilted ones I love so much, and donate the money to causes associated with neuro-muscular diseases. So, stay tuned! This is underway!! I just dread the thought of my little quilts getting tossed when I pass away, and no one getting any benefit of them. Thank you for listening to my thoughts.
Health enough to work and meet my obligations.
Wonderful family and friends.
Quilts to share!!


Vicki W said...

Those bowls are very cool!

Libby said...

Sounds like you are finding a great way to broaden your quilting journey - your ideas sound wonderful *s*

Trisha said...

I like your quilt block. Sawtooth stars are my all time favorite. The felted bowls are cute. There are so many great uses for bowls like that. I applaud you for your plans to use your quilting for good.

Pat said...

I love your star block and your generous spirit for deciding to make compassionate quilts to help others!

The Calico Quilter said...

You touched on something I have been thinking about - with no children to bequeath my quilts to after I'm gone, what will become of them? Should I start giving them away now? Dispose of them in my will? Unlike other possessions such as furniture which are "just stuff", my quilts have a lot of ME in them, and I would like to know they are somewhere being used and loved. And what about the ones my mom made for me? It's a puzzle.

Sherri said...

The end of your post really got me thinking about where I want my own quilting journey to go...thanks so much for these thoughts and ideas!

meggie said...

Those bowls are so pretty.
I love that bright block! Love colour.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...