Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Leftovers for supper...

You know how some meals just get better the next day, when they are left-overs?? The different flavors just blend together...mmm... Well, I think the same thing of fabric scraps! I made a few string pieced blocks, on telephone book pages. I have LOTS of strings, enough for several quilts, I bet. (never throw these away...) Well, when I was at the quilt store with my friends, the store had little sacks, 1 gallon size, filled with strings. Very small, innocuous looking...innocent! Priced to move, and quilt store fabric strings. Well, I left them there, until a couple days later, and I went and got a couple to add some more variety to my strings. The little bags seemed small enough, until...I opened them! They exploded! A huge mound of strings, all over the place. I loved it, they are so pretty, and such a lovely variety.

I mean, this is a HUGE pile, really. Doesn't show in the picture, but it is big....
Now really, what in the world was I thinking? :) Hehehe! Quilting sure is fun, isn't it!!
Have a super good day, now all I need is time to string piece all these pretty babies together.


Vicki W said...

Now when I finish my 4" log cabin blocks I know where I can send all of my leftover 1" strings of fabric.

Darcie said...

That's funny to hear your side of it...because I've been on the quilt shop side of it. And I hear myself saying "oh, just a few more...just a couple more should fit." We're always wanting more, aren't we! ;-)

Love your string blocks-in-progress!

quilterpolly said...

you are so talented. Your just keep going like the energizer bunny. Keep up the great work. I love your blog:)

Libby said...

Looks like more fun than a barrel of monkeys *s*

Lynn said...

That's a great advertisment for not wasting any scraps. Those blocks are cute!

Unknown said...

Julie, What a great idea to do with your scraps! How fun to get that at the quilt shop. I love what you are doing with them, the blocks are beautiful!

Teresa said...

Looks like fun to me!

Paula, the quilter said...

That is my favorite string block. I need to get back to my strings.

Ginger Patches said...

I love string quilts!! Have fun!

Finn said...

Oh my that looks like sooooo much fun Julie! Personally I can see nothing wrong with adding to your string collection! Best reason in the needed more variety.
And your lunch out and shopping trip sound like just what was needed to keep the Dr. and doldrums away!
Hurray for friendship, quilts and fabric that is shared between friends *VBS*
Big hugs, Finn

jacquie said...

that is a whopper of a pile. i do love string quilts too, so i see why you made the purchase. have fun!

Debi said...

String quilts are so much fun and they are so scrappy. Last year I made 8 lap size and still have a full tub of scraps. Your blocks look awesome.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Love the String X, it's one of my faves. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but be forewarned.... reason would dictate that the more strings you sew up the smaller the string pile would become... right? For some reason the exact opposite is true at my house, the string pile GROWS! ;)

Marilyn Robertson said...

Your blocks look great! I would have snatched up the strings at the quilt shop too - so much fun!

MARCIE said...

What is it about scraps that is so irresistable? And especially someone else's scraps! What is the smallest that you save?

Red Geranium Cottage said...

That is quite a mount of fabric you have there. I'm liking your blocks so far.

Merry Christmas!!!

I hope each of you had a wonderful Christmas!!!  It was a quiet day here, one with Mexican food as the theme, instead of ham or turkey.  Of ...