Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Snake pictures...beware!

Ok,these are not for the squeamish among us!! Including me! But I thought some people would like to see the snake that my dear husband almost stepped on, mentioned in my last post. Here she is all stretched out! (yes, she is a girl. I don't know how I know, but I just do.)
Here she is rattling her little rattle , just one. At the alert! She is a little one, about maybe 2 feet? We found out that the little ones are quite dangerous, as they expell all their venom when they strike, unlike adult rattlers. She was identified as a "Coon-tail" rattler.

Another picture. Quite the little picture taker, wasn't I?
Have a wonderful, snake free day.


Sue said...

Beautiful looking snake...but I can say that being thousands of kilometres away...lol

Kristie said...

SNAKES!!!! EEKKKK!!! We have a rattlesnake skin stretched out on the wall, hubby killed it but it is an adult with 7 rattles! I hate SNAKES! We live out in a rural area so we see alot and have actually had a few come in the house.

Jeanne said...

Where were you staying? I want to be sure I don't go there! *s* I might have fainted right on top of it.

KC Quilter said...

Ohmigosh! Too close for comfort!!!

Gina said...

Beautiful snake, even though she's deadly.

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Amelia said...

I know snakes are God's creatures - but, I don't like them at all. We are fortunate that we see very few of them.


Marilyn Robertson said...

YIKES! I would not expect to see a snake right outside my hotel door, let alone almost step on it!

PamKittyMorning said...

Yeah, rattlers need to just be in the distance out of biting reach! Not at hotel doors!

But hey, what a trooper getting those bloggy photos!!

*karendianne. said...

Oh my Lordy Beeee!!!!! She is very cuteamous in her own little way.

You are a trooper for getting good bloggy photos.

Holy Snake Rattles BatMan!

Anonymous said...

Amazing that you had the state of mind to take pictures! There seem to be only 2 snake species in my country, thank God! The best thing is that they are extremely rare and harmless.
Just read about your bike "accident": yes it IS embarrasing isn't it *lol*

mereth said...

Hmm,Is the snake still alive? All our snakes are 'protected' in Australia, and they are highly venomous I might add. When I lived on a farm we got some Brown snakes every year around the house and they were dispatched to snake heaven straight away. They kill people every year, and far too many beloved pets die too. I'm not repulsed by them- leave that to the spiders,ugh- but I certainly have a healthy fear of them.You were quick thinking to grab your camera though!

Darcie said...

Ew. Can't really say I'm into any creature with rough skin...but the pattern on their "back" is really quite attractive...for a snake, that is! Around here, we only have garter snakes...which are just plain ugly. But western ND does have some pretty cool-looking vertebrates...including rattlers! Glad you had your camera handy!

Unknown said...

OH, Julie, this must be snake day. I had a big black snake on my outside porch. It was curled around the railing. I also took some pictures. But YIKES a rattler. Did someone kill Her.?

Texan said...

oh my gosh!!!!! ewwww yuck!!!! I am so glad you guys were not bit!!

I love all your "be" blocks they are so great!!!

mercy again I am glad you guys were not bit!

What town were you in to find a rattler on your door step? I cannot believe you got all those photos!

Anne Heidi said...

She's a very pretty snake, but I am very glad you weren't hurt! Love your attitudes blocks, I've been wanting to make those as well, I have the book... Hmm, maybe seeing yours will help me get started. Have a great day!

Margaret Cloud said...

I don't like snakes, but I have to admit most of them are pretty in color. My friend steped out her front door right on a rattler, she did not get bit but screamed real loud.

Alice I. said...


Dropped in to read your blog (listed on another blog site) and I gotta tell ya......a picture of a snake was not what I would have expected as a first-time read! YUUUUUK! EEEW! I would have freaked! But I did really like the tote you made. Nice job and love the colors. Will have to come back to read more (minus the snake stories, though!).

Alice I.

jacquie said...

i would like to know exactly where you are...because i NEVER want to go near there! i would have fainted dead away!

Lyn said...

Hi Julie, from where I come from if there is a baby snake, momma snake is never very far away. We have big browns and tiger snakes in the area where I live.Warmest Regards Lyn

Leanne said...

Well done on the photos....I grew up in country Aust. so saw lots of snakes my mum always killed them. I haven't see one for a while but have a health respect for them.

Happy New Year, full of plans and promise!!

Good morning!!  Happy Sunday, or Monday to those in Australia and other places in the world! Above is my Amaryllis.  This is the second stem...