Saturday, February 17, 2024

Rainbow quilts update


I pulled out this quilt top and finally put borders on it!!  Hurrah!!!  It is my own creation of plaid strings and applique hearts.  

Lucky the kitty is always a good helper with quilting.  Here he is, selecting border fabrics.

Yes, he has sass, this one!!!  Always up for playing and running and just generally having a great time!

Here is Lucky posing with my rainbow quilt blocks for this year.  I am linking to Angela, at So Scrappy quilts.  Just a variety of fun blocks!!!

I really enjoy making hearts to spread some love around.

I am working on the mystery quilt...psychologically, I would say I am procrastinating getting it finished because I love the process so much!!

Hope you are having a great day!!


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day!!

A few heart quilts...and Happy Valentine's Day to all!!

Hearts are everywhere!!
Have a happy day, each of you!!


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Happy Sunday!

Kitty was not feeling well.  Did not eat for a day, then ate OK, then not again for 36 hours.  I started feeding him baby food with a syringe.  Right now, he seems right as rain, if skinny...

And then there were nine heart blocks, with flowers and rick-rack.  Goodness...rick-rack?  But I love it, for the bright borders it provides.

I finished hand quilting this little quilt, made out of Janet scraps.  My very favorite thing in the world is scraps!!  Thank you, my dear friend!! Why do I love scraps so, so much???

This quilt got back from the quilter's and will be bound and gifted to our volunteers at my work.  Raffle?  Gift?  Not sure, and it will be up to them.  

 Kitty felt good enough to inspect this little pink quilt for my nursing friend with breast cancer.  It is all done now!!!

Have a lovely day, each of you!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...