I am catching up Lori's quilt along! It was a whim that started this, and a whirlwind that finished the center. I am so delighted with it!!! I truly enjoy working with plaids...part Scottish, ye understand! Plaids from a friend made this all the sweeter.I changed the house block. The original one had templates and set in pieces, and I decided to sew a bit simpler one. I also changed the bottom left block. I sewed this mostly in the middle of the night, and could not get in the quilt closet for fabrics, (did not want to wake anyone!), so I used strips and pieces that I had already cut. It was fun to make do with what I had on hand.
It feels so great to so engaged in a project!
I would like to donate this to the hospice unit, but then got to thinking...would this be OK to give to them for our waiting room? Does anyone really feel welcome in that unit? Or it just a sad part of life to get through for these visitors? Or should it be more professional and less scrappy than this?
On to the borders!